Trang chủ
Khóa học
Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
Luyện thi IELTS
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Bài giảng
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Trang chủ
Part 4
Who is the audience of this talk?
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Who is the audience of this talk?
Volunteers who have just joined
Employees of the company
Special club members
Entertainers who will perform today
Who is Ms. Workman?
The company receptionist
A new employee
An author
A department head
What does the speaker suggest the listeners do?
Pick up their rewards
Photocopy some documents
Join one of the teams
Prepare something
What is the report mainly about?
The closing down of a local sports club
The need for a fund-raising drive to keep a club in operation
The amount of money they have raised to date
The hiring of a new coach for the team
What does the speaker say about the club?
It is on the brink of shutting down
It is only available to local residents
It has hired a new coaching staff
It encourages parents to join the team
Who would most likely be considered for the position?
A person who had played for a professional team
Parents who have children of their own
Anyone who wishes to exercise on a regular basis
Those who have knowledge of the first aid
What is the talk mainly about?
The steps necessary in setting up the machine
How to send a fax overseas
Where to pick up the cheapest copier
How to make the best use of the video
What is found in package “A”?
A videotape
A fax machine
The manual
Some printing paper
What will the listeners do first?
Find the right place to install the machine
Watch the video for instruction
Read over the manual together
Start putting together the equipment
What is the main topic of the talk?
The introduction of a new company leader
The success of the company in recent years
The executive’s trip to the United Kingdom
The mining industry in South Africa
Who is Mr. Benwick?
A coalminer
The new president
One of the board members
A university professor
What does the speaker mention about Michael?
He is a graduate student at Oxford
He currently works in South Africa
He has become a very wealthy man
He is very knowledgeable in his field of work
Trả lời
Đề thi này dành cho tài khoản VIP. Mời bạn
đăng ký học
để đăng ký tài khoản VIP.
Nếu đã có tài khoản VIP, mời bạn nhập tài khoản và mật khẩu ở dưới để làm bài.
Đăng nhập để học tiếp
Tài khoản MonKa
Mật khẩu
Đăng nhập
Chưa có tài khoản?
Đăng ký mới!
Quên mật khẩu?
Câu đúng
Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo