Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Trạng từ chỉ tần xuất

1. We _________ look at resumes sent by e-mail. You must deliver it by mail or in person.

2. I _________ buy a cup of coffee at work, but I usually bring one from home.

3. It is our policy to give employees at least one warning. We _________ fire a person after only one minor mistake.

4. Jack _________ brings his dog Spot to work with him. On most days, he leaves Spot in his backyard.

5. I _________ forget to date forms. I must have been really tired yesterday.

6. We _________ invite students to come into the office for a day. Ask our receptionist when our next session is.

7. The power _________ goes out in this building at about this time. We should ask an electrician to look at the wiring.

8. I _________ walk to work. When it’s raining I take the bus, though.

9. The boss _________ orders pizza for us on Fridays. He’s away today, so we’ll have to go out to eat.

10. I _________ do my taxes on time. This is the first year I sent them in late.