Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 6

Thể phủ định trong Part 6

To: All employees
From: Personnel      
Re: Uniform      
Date: March 27th      
Please note that serving uniforms must be worn at all times. You ---1--- serve customers in ordinary clothes under any circumstances. We are a professional restaurant , and it is most important that all our staff are ---2--- alike. Also, we will not tolerate dirty uniforms. Everyone is issued two complete sets of uniforms. If you do not have these please ask the supplies center for additional items. If you are not wearing a complete, clean uniform, you ---3--- be allowed to work. Thank you for your time.   



We are sorry to inform you that the 9:02 a.m. bus from Bedford Mall to Glen Street will---4--- run. As there are usually very few people on this bus, we have decided to cancel it until further notice. Please understand that we are not doing this to inconvenience you. In fact, this is a step to save you money. The cost of running unpopular routes adds to overall ticket prices. We would love to be able to offer you all the routes, all the time, but sadly we are just---5--- to. Hopefully, we will be starting a new route that passes through both Bedford Mall and Glen Street, though as yet that remains undecided. If anyone has ---6--- questions about this matter, please contact the Valley Buses area manager.


