The Environmental Safety Bureau has announced that it will pay farmers anywhere in the continental U.S. to set up grass or tree buffers to filter sediment, herbicides and fertilizer running off crop land into streams and wetlands. It has been established that rainwater running off farm fields contributes more pollution to the nation's lakes and streams than any other single source. The farmers will be entitled to an annual payment of 125% of the rental value of the land each year for 20 years. The ESB has been advocating buffers for some time now because vegetated areas near streams can filter out up to 85% of pollutants. |
What is this article about?
What incentive is given to farmers?
To: Jay D. Moran, Office Manager Date: April 2, 2010
From: Detlef Glanz CC: Mark Roberts
Mildred Beir
Po Wang
Barry Thomas
Subject: Need for smoke detectors
About three years ago, an insurance agent named Briggs did an inspection of the warehouse to determine our need for fire insurance.
I have just been notified we are being charged an additional $18,500 yearly because of inadequate fire protection.
Have there been any changes in the layout since Briggs did his inspection? It is obvious that something has to change.
Didn't Briggs quote us a figure of about $200 for smoke detectors, maybe $300 with one-time installation cost? We can surely do better than $18,500 a year. Please dig out Briggs' report and prepare a cost-analysis of our various options for smoke detectors and/or sprinkler systems.
Why was this memo written?
What did Briggs do?
The New York Baseball Club, an investor group led by the computer chip executive Henry B. Lawson, paid the New York Baseball Stadium Authority well over $500,000 last week in return for a one-year extension of its exclusive status with the state agency. This would mean that the only one able to negotiate a lease for a stadium facility would be Lawson's New York Baseball Club.
Lawson hopes to buy a major league baseball team that would play in a 50,000-seat stadium to be built by the state. He would get the major league team by either winning an expansion franchise or by moving an existing team to New York.
The agreement approved b y the authority last week, would give Lawson's group the right to receive extension for as m any as five years, in return for additional payments that would total $4. I million over that period. The investor group would receive over half the payments if a stadium is built. |
Why did Lawson pay $500,000?
Who is funding this activity?
Who would be responsible for building the stadium?
IRC, INFORMATION RETRIEVAL CORPORATION, is a multinational computer manufacturer based in Australia and Indonesia. The main office is in Brisbane, Australia, with other offices in Kuchino, Malaysia, Bonn, Germany, Pusan, South Korea, Tokyo, Japan and in Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S. IRC is one of the fastest growing computer companies in the world. It is a leader in the field of laptop computers. It also enjoys a considerable market for its software products, which are serviced by a battery of customer service representatives in every major country. With manufacturing plants in Seoul, Himmelstadt and Topeka, it is planning on expanding manufacturing capacity over the next three years. Of its 15,000 employees worldwide, 6,000 are technical staff, 2,000 software, 2,500 administration and 4,500 sales and marketing. |
Where does IRC build its computers?
What is known about IRC?
What area uses the least manpower?
September 29, 1993
Paul Bergstein, President
Stone & Brick Contractors
423 Ridge well Road
Burbank, CA 91345
Dear Mr. Bergstein,
Because I have not been able to reach you by phone, I am resorting to registered mail. On May 2 of this year, I signed a contract with your Mr. Alan Stevenson for a five-foot high stone wall. It had an arched entrance with fittings for a particular black swinging metal gate. Completion was scheduled for September 15 and the agreed-upon price was $5,500. Enclosed is a copy of the contract.
Although the work began and ended as scheduled and the wall itself is a constant source of compliments from the neighbors, in turns out that the fittings for the gate were incorrectly placed. Not only that, but the bill was $400 over the quoted price.
I was not concerned about the overcharge of $400 until I found out about repair costs. The wall has to be opened up in eight separate spots where the old fittings are so that they can be rearranged to accommodate the new gate. That adjustment alone will cost me $500.
I, therefore, respectfully request that you refund at least $400 as soon as possible. As I had such difficulty in trying to reach you by phone, I am somewhat concerned about your willingness to account for this error. While I would prefer not to, I will not hesitate to refer this matter to my attorney if I don't hear from you in the coming week.
Ingrid Baum |
What is Ingrid's main purpose in writing the letter?
How did Ingrid initially try to reach Mr. Bergstein?
How much did Ingrid pay for the building of the wall?
How will the gate be repaired?
Construction Outlook for the Haiphong District
This report is concerned primarily with construction of homes in the Haiphong area in the next decade. There are many factors which influence the construction of houses in the area, and part of the report is devoted to an analysis of these factors: population growth and the increased need for housing, economic activity, and current housing facilities. The information used in the preparation of this report was gathered from the Haiphong Chamber of Commerce, census tracts, government reports and books relating to housing.
Last year, the estimated population of corporate Haiphong was 724,000 an increase of eleven percent over the Vietnam Census figure. The population of metropolitan Haiphong was 922,000. The considerable growth of metropolitan Haiphong is reflected in expansion of the city's living area by roughly thirteen percent. Haiphong covers an area of 195.5 square miles, of which 197 square miles is land. There is more than enough room for expansion, especially in the Gingh Bo, Quan To and Shangti areas.
Although there may appear to be adequate housing facilities for the population, twenty-five percent of those units are dilapidated. In general, the economic conditions in Haiphong seem extremely favorable for a continued increase in new housing construction and housing improvements. The introduction of the new Hunddei automobile manufacturing plant will further develop the economy of the metropolitan area. Income, in general, will continue to rise as the industrial activity in the area picks up.
One could conclude that home construction in the future will be at least as high as it was last year, with a good chance o f a five to ten percent increase. |
What is the purpose of this report?
Which factor would NOT have an impact on the building of homes in the area?
What was the estimated population of Haiphong's business center last year?
What percentage of Haiphong's housing needs repair or replacement?
What effect will the Hunddei plant have on the area?
In June, July and August, the Department of Public Works will once again be accepting requests for pick-up of bulk trash from residences that are serviced by the city for regular pick-ups. If you need bulk trash picked up, you can call (517) 453-8967 to make an appointment. Bulk trash is anything over sixty pounds. Items such as doors, broken chairs or pieces of machinery are permissible.
Please remember to remove all doors from things like refrigerators, freezers and ovens, so that a child cannot get trapped inside. Do not place items outside for pick-up before 6 pm the previous evening or after 6am the day of the pick-up. Combustibles and items like paint or solvents cannot be picked up. They must be disposed of at the Fort Thornton Station at 436 Wattes Road N.W. The station's Environmental Safety Section accepts drop-offs on weekdays from 8am to 4pm. |
Who may put out their bulk trash for pick-up?
Which items would have to be brought to the Fort Thornton Station?
What time does bulk trash have to be put out the day before pick-up?
PLEASE BE ADVISED of the following changes in international travel to and from Montreal. Check your airline ticket carefully or ask your ticket agent if you are returning to Montreal on or after September 20. Staring September 20, several airlines that offer scheduled international flights will start operating their services out of Dorval airport. All charter flights, both overseas and to the United States, will leave from Dorval airport. So, if you are already booked for a flight during that period, it is possible that you will be leaving from Dorval and returning to Mirabel-or vice versa. On your airline ticket, the code "VRV" designates Mirabel and "TMT" designates Dorval. If your return flight is landing at a different airport from your departing, it would be better to use public transportation rather than drive yourself. You might find yourself at one airport and your car parked at another. A convenient shuttle bus connects Dorval and Mirabel and the city center with regular service from 4am to midnight, seven days a week. |
Why was this notice issued?
What are customers being asked to do?
How can a customer know which airport he/she is landing in?
What advice is given regarding transportation to and from the airports?
Yes. I want all of my credit, debit and ATM card protected by The Watch guard.
Check one: SEND NO MONEY
___One year only $18.00 ___Three years only $41.00 (You save $13.00)
Address________________ City______________ State__________ Zip________________
Credit Card Account Number:___-___-___-___
Sign here Date
Please bill my credit card for the amount I have chosen. I understand that my account will automatically be billed as long as I am a credit card member or unless I cancel the service. I understand that this protection is not required to maintain my credit account. An explanation of terms and benefits, as stated in the Membership Kit I will be sent, will provide complete details. |
Why would someone send in this form?
If a person wants to participate, how much will it cost for the longest protection?
What will the buyers receive?
Questions 30-32 refer to the following chart.

What is the purpose of showing both tables?
How many address corrections are there monthly?
How much does each mailing cot if done by hand?
To: Nathaniel Foley
From: Jeanne Eckhardt
Subject: Adherence to company policy
It has long been the policy of this company to pay one-half the membership fees for our employees whose membership in certain organizations would be of practical benefit to the company. So that all departments process these requests in a uniform fashion, we request that all department heads follow these instructions:
1. Any employee wishing to renew a membership or to join such an organization must request permission from his or her department head, in writing
2. Once the employee has obtained a signature indicating approval, he or she may make arrangements to join, paying the membership in full and obtaining a receipt showing the amount and the length of membership.
3. Using Form 33R5, he or she will prepare a reimbursement voucher for one-half the amount of the fees.
4. Once the department head has signed the voucher, he or she can go to the cashier's office to receive a check for reimbursement.
If there are any questions regarding this policy, please address them to Mr. Faulkner in our communications department.
Why was this memo written?
How is the company helping its employees?
What should department heads do?
When should Form 33R5 be used?
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has decided to admit Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to that region's association. This took place despite counter-efforts by the European Union, the U.S. and the opponents of the SLORC party. This decision is considered a turning point in the development of these countries, which for years have struggled with poverty, civil war and political unrest.
The inclusion of these countries is expected to boost their status on the world stage as well as to provide them assistance and cooperation from other members of ASEAN. All members of ASEAN will reap the benefits of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) agreement, which comes into effect in 1998. Also, a maximum tariff of five percent will be levied on exports from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to ASEAN countries, according to the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme. In the meantime, these three countries will be given a ten year grace period in which to lower their tariffs to AFTA's satisfaction.
It has been a long-term goal of ASEAN to have all nations of Southeast Asia as part of its organization. With these three countries now on board, the total membership is ten. A ceremony formally admitting the new members into the ASEAN will take place in Kuala Lumpur on July 24 and 25 during the annual ASEAN convention. |
What is the main point of the article?
How will membership in ASEAN affect Cambodia?
What is AFTA expecting the new member countries to do?
What has ASEAN been seeking to do?