Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 6

Tăng cường luyện tập Part 6 - Bài 2

Question 1 to 2 refer to the following letter

Dear John Mayer,


It is with reluctance I inform you that, ___(1)___ conditions improve measurably, ABC will have to terminate your employment.  Personnel performance and productivity rates have shown __(2)___declines in the past six month period. Frankly, unless improvement is observed, ABC will need to take drastic measures.  To be realistic, we estimate that such improvement will take a minimum of three months to become visible. ___(3)__ your excellent performance record in the past, there is no reason to assume anything but success.






Question 4 to 6 refer to the following letter


Dear Siobhan Donaghy,


Because of the extreme slowness of your payments over the past two years, we can __(4)___ extend credit to you. We have discussed this time and time again, but to no avail. Starting today, all sales will be cash-with-order. We will be happy to continue serving you under these conditions. You can expect the same quality of merchandise and same fast service - and our super fast emergency service. We do expect you to __(5)__ regular payments on your present balance.

Appropriate collection or legal action will be taken if your delinquency __(6)___.






Question 7 to 9 refer to responding to complaints


Dear Lucy Kellaway,


Thank you for taking the time to contact ABC Company to explain the concerns you are experiencing with your software. We regret any inconvenience you have experienced and assure you that we are anxious to __(7)___ you as a satisfied customer. A summary of your concern __(8)__ to our support department. If you need further assistance, you may recontact us at 888-888-8888. To help us __(9)___ you more quickly in the future please reference the above file number.


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you.





Question 10 to 12 refer to the following letter


Dear Mr. Lee,


It is with reluctance that I’m submitting this letter. Although my time with UPI Corp. has been, on the whole, __(10)__ and productive, for quite a while now I have become less and less satisfied with the work situation. The direction of the company, the group ___(11)__ I work, and the new targets and the methods of accomplishing them are making it increasingly difficult for me to feel that I’m contributing sufficiently.

Therefore, it is with regret that I ask you __(12)___ this as my resignation from UPI Corp. effective November 11.






Questions 13 to 15 refer to the following memo.

To: Staff, Research and Development Dept.

From: Jasmine Sparks, Manager


Date: October 20


Re: David Yang’s farewell party


I’m sure everyone in the department knows that David Yang will be leaving the company to work for Meyers and Goldman by now. A farewell party ___(13)__ for David from 5:30 to 8:30 P.M. on Friday, October 31, in the main conference room. I would like to ask each of you to contribute a small sum of money for a present that the department will purchase for David in appreciation for the excellent work he has done ___(14)__  the years. I have asked my secretary, Claudette, to receive your donations, so please drop by her desk before the end of next week.           

It is my hope that you will be able to join the entire department in honoring David’s ten years with the company. Please get in touch with Claudette by 5 P.M. on Monday, October 27 to let us know ___(15)__  you will be attending the commemoration.




Questions 16 to 18 refer to the following letter.


Dear Mr. Castro,


It is my pleasure to ___(16)__ you that beginning next month, Chrislyn Spano will be Gibson & Dunn’s Real Estate representative in your area. Ms. Spano has been assisting clients in purchasing land and housing in the Bromley area for the last seven years. She is very ___(17)__  in her field, and we are fortunate to have her in our London office.

If you are interested in buying ___(18)__, please write to her at


Very sincerely yours,




Gibson & Dunn, London




Questions 19 to 21 refer to the following article.
 To help pay for infrastructure improvements, Governor Bill Anderson __(19)_ a $1 increase on the toll fee for vehicles entering the western turnpikes. The governor’s decision took effect last week. It is expected that an amount of $80 million dollars will be generated from the increase this year and will be used to repair the state’s turnpike system. __(20)_, the Transport Authority is now scheduling tunnel and road renovations to ensure drivers’ convenience and safety. In a press conference held last week, Governor Anderson addressed the motorists’ concerns. He said that although the toll fee increase is ___(21)_, he believes that it will improve road and traffic conditions for all drivers using the turnpike.



Questions 22 to 24 refer to the following letter.



Newline Shopping Center


Dear Mr. Durdin,


In high-traffic establishments such as yours, floors are used around the clock as deliverymen bring goods and people come and go into the building. Given the
__(22)_use, the floors must be very durable to remain usable over the years.

To __(23)_ this matter, Floorbest, Inc. has designed a special protective floor system specially for supermarkets and commercial centers like yours.

We are the speediest installer in your region! After you make an order, a Floorbest installer will visit your location within two business days to take the exact specifications for your business. Installation of the new flooring system
__(24)_ within four weeks.


To request a free estimate, please call today at 373-4555.




Floorbest, Inc.


