Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất

Fall Registration Schedule

Registration catalogs will be available on July 5th. You can find your registration date by looking for the first letter of your last name and department below. Registration begins on July 7th at 8:00 a.m.
Department: Medical/Law
Last name      Date
Graduate (All) July 7
A-E             July 8
F-l               July 9
J-N              July 10
O-S             July 11
T-Z             July 12
1. According to the calendar, what is the first day for registration?

2. If an undergraduate has a last name beginning with the letter "P," what day can he or she register?

Jason Avery has been a professional comedian for over fifteen years. As he says, "It's not easy to make people laugh every night. As a comedian, you have to keep inventing new jokes all the time to keep the public happy." Obviously, Mr. Avery has been very successful doing this. He has appeared on many popular television shows and has been a guest of the President at special ceremonies. Avery's most recent works, in addition to television shows, have been several popular movies and cable broadcast comedy programs. He also frequently donates his time to charity events to help raise money for children in need. The most rewarding part of his job, Avery says, is to see people smile. As Avery says, "It's a hard job, but someone has to do it!"

3. What is Avery's occupation?

4. Who benefits from Avery's charity performances?

5. What does Avery like best about his job?

Guitar Lessons

Sandra Cooper, the legendary guitarist from the Four Corners area, is now offering guitar lessons for students at all levels. Sandra's expertise is in EJ Spanish and folk guitar styles. She is also well educated in classical guitar but is able to help students with almost any genre. Sandra is a professional musician and has over ten years' teaching experience. Prices start at $40 an hour, and the lessons are offered in her Santa Fe studio. Call 980-4323 for more information or email
Subject: Guitar lessons
Dear Sandra,
I am interested in learning to play the guitar. I already own a guitar and took lessons for six months, about three years ago. Unfortunately, I had an accident and broke my arm. I could not use it for a very long time, but now I am better and want to start the guitar again. I would like to study with you twice a week. I am free every morning except Thursday, and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. I work in the evenings.
I look forward to hearing from you. Louise Merrifield
6. Which of the following relates to Sandra's best ability?

7. Where can a student receive lessons?

8. How long has Sandra been teaching guitar?

9. Why did Louise stop taking lessons?

10. Which of the following times could Louise attend a guitar lesson?