Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

Ôn tập Part 7


Notice to all building staff

Next Thursday, May 15, the elevators will be repaired. This means that they will be out of service between the hours of 9:00 and 5:00. During this time you will have to use the stairs. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Building Cleaning and Maintenance Office if you have any questions.

Jason Podryhula

Manager, Building Cleaning and Maintenance Staff

To: Lilya Yemchuk

From: Shirley Smith

Subject: Tuesday meeting


I assume you saw the notice about the repairs next Tuesday. This poses a problem for our lunch meeting. How can we get all that food up to the fifth floor conference room without an elevator? I think we’d do better to change the date. Please call the head of the cleaning and maintenance staff to see if the conference room is available for the next day. If he gives the OK, then go ahead and call the restaurant to change the day of our lunch order. Ask for Mr. Cho. He took our order last time.

You and I also need to get together to go over the Jones proposal before the lunch meeting. Let’s meet first thing Tuesday. I plan to be here early enough to take the elevator up to the office. No stairs for me! I’ll see you then.



1. What will happen next Tuesday?

2. Why does Ms. Smith want to change the date of the meeting?

3. What day does Ms. Smith want to have the meeting?

4. Who gives permission to use the conference room?

5. What time does Ms. Smith plan to arrive on Tuesday?

October 25, 2009

Mr. William Prince

1785 Honeycutt Boulevard

Marysville, IL 53028


Dear Mr. Prince:

We are pleased to offer you the position of Budget Assistant at Systems, Inc. we would like you to start work on Monday, November 10. You will report to your supervisor, Ms. Chen, in room 44. We are happy to offer you the salary that we discussed in your interview. Other benefits include health insurance for you and your family. We are sorry that we cannot offer life or dental insurance at this time, but we may be able to in the future. You will also get 20 vacation days and 5 sick days per year. Stock options and a pension plan are also available. I would suggest that you make an appointment to come in and speak with Emma Park, our benefits expert, very soon, and she can explain the full benefits package to you. At the same time you can fill out some paperwork for us.

Welcome to Systems, Inc. We look forward to working with you.


Ivan Katz

Ivan Katz


October 31, 2009

Mr. Ivan Katz

Human Resources Director

Systems, Inc., 1700 Main Avenue

Chicago, IL 53147


Dear Mr. Katz:

Thank you for your offer of a position at Systems, Inc. Unfortunately, I have decided to take another position. I say this with real regret as I am sure that I would enjoy working at Systems, Inc., and the benefits are very attractive. However, I believe my new position at the Horizon Company will be better for me. Systems, Inc. has offered me a higher salary and twice as many vacation days as Horizon, but Horizon has offered me the same type of job and it’s closer to my home. I find that location is very important. It would take me over an hour just to get to work if I had the job at Systems, Inc. Because of my family and other commitments, I cannot agree to put myself in such a situation. Thank you again for the offer.


William Prince

William Prince


6. What insurance benefit does Systems, Inc. offer?

7. Who is the benefits expert at Systems, Inc.?

8. What did Mr. Prince NOT accept a new position at Systems, Inc.?

9. What job did Mr. Prince take with Horizon?

10. How many vacation days a year will he get at Horizon?