He asked me if there was ........... bread for all the sandwiches I had to make.
In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could never be
used ........................
My father has a very ........... temper and often says things he regrets later.
............... swamps is necessary to reclaim land.
Do you mind telling me if you have any electric typewriters ...................?
He was so furious that he was being ....................
Because of his confusing argument, ............ people understood it.
Anxiety about uncontrollable situations is thought to cause ……………
If you want, look at this ……………. catalogue.
The tender plants need protection against the cold weather.
This wet weather has lasted for a month now; ............ rained every single
Parisians left the left-hand side clear for the movement of the papal carriage.
In spite of a large number of students, each one receives ............... attention.
Surgeons use lasers as scalpels.
Paul is very set in his ways, but Richard has a more ............ attitude to life.
The income of Vietnamese people is about 200 dollars ...................
The success of his new book has made his reputation be ............. greatly .
................... is expecting a baby.
Have you changed your mind again? I wish you’d at least be .................
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