Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Ôn tập Part 5 - Ngữ pháp tổng hợp - Bài số 5

1. Residents began to ------- the area after hearing news the volcano would erupt.

2. Analysts ------- the country improve its infrastructure to get foreign investment.

3. In accordance with market trends, food and drink companies ------- healthier images.

4. With a wide -------, Mr. Gonzales was re-elected president of the South American country.

5. The airline avoided a strike by ------- with the pilots’ union.

6. The report showed the U.S. trade deficit ------- in February.

7. Union members ------- the privatization of the country’s airports.

8. Scientists ------- new ways to attack the fungus damaging the rice fields.

9. The controversial film was nominated ------- eight Academy Awards.

10. The advertising executive resigned over his inappropriate ------- made at a conference.

11. About 30,000 coffeemakers were ------- after the company received numerous reports of overheating.

12. Pest control was called to ------- the office over the holiday weekend.

13. Fears of another interest ------- caused stocks to further decline.

14. Commercial logging and overgrazing made the land less compact and ------- to landslides.

15. In a good year, Mr. Issa could ------- eight tons of cocoa.

16. Shareholders voted to have more influence ------- the executive board’s decisions.

17. Parliament passed a law that would ban the production and sale of genetically ------- food.

18. The company chairman was ------- the acquisition would have a positive financial start.

19. Although the civil war ended four years ago, democratic ------- have yet to be held.

20. New packaging helped Green Plus ------- market its already well-known soft drinks.

21. According to the satellite survey, the Amazon rainforest is ------- twice as fast as previously estimated.

22. Increasing energy stocks and a rise in foreign investments ------- to the rise in hedge funds.

23. The celebrity couple sold pictures of their baby for $5 million, which ------- to charity.

24. The retiring editor named the senior reporter as his --------.

25. A boom in ethanol research and manufacturing ------- jobs throughout small towns across the nation.

26. The position requires all candidates to speak English ------- to another European language.

27. Forrest, Inc. increased its second quarter profit and forecast ------- a large tax settlement.

28. Continual ------- of trademarks and copyrights increased trade tension in Asia.

29. The European country unexpectedly raised interest rates in ------- of inflation.

30. Owners of Movie Place, a popular movie-themed restaurant, announced a new restaurant ------- in Sacramento this summer.

31. The oil giant will invest nearly £300 million to research renewable energy --------.

32. Although he was widely ignored, the lawmaker ------- his colleagues to pass bills supporting energy alternatives to fight rising oil prices and diminishing reserves.

33. A large portion of the donation was spent ------- new ways to fight malaria.

34. Future Bank will start offering special incentives to employees who ------- hybrid cars starting September 1.

35. The poem was as beautiful in its English ------- as it was in its original German form.

36. After three weeks of -------, the stock market finally closed at a half percent increase.

37. City officials hope the new policy will make offenders ------- accountable.

38. Although it is not ------- on the menu, Taco Town occasionally offers homemade tamales.

39. Sarah and Jonathan will meet this Wednesday ------- their presentation.

40. Graduate students went on strike after losing their union -------.