I wish you wouldn't call him ……..... that insulting name
Her father would like her to run one of his shops, but she finds shop-keeping totally .................
When I reached the place, I found that the man …………
She is very keen ............. learning English. She is especially good
.................. spelling.
The dog was so dirty that he looked as if he ……….... in the mud.
In spite of his illness, he never cuts ............. smoking.
I ………......... the heat because I had been living there for a long time.
The fire resulted ............. heavy damage. They are considering ...............
putting in new fire equipment.
The child was told to .......……… for being rude to his uncle.
"I’d like to make a trip in Malaysia." "I would like too, but I want to see Hong
Kong even more ............... Malaysia."
You can't get home ...……..... you have no money.
"Is it as cold as winter in Russia?" "It’s very much .................. ."
They will have to ......……..... off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried out.
Vu Trong Phung devoted most of his time .................. novels.
Could we have a .........……. of tennis after lunch?
Over the centuries there are gradual changes in the Earth's surface
……….... accepting your job offer, can you tell me some more about the
Furama resort is expensive. It ............ you 190 dollars a day.
Can you ......……. the books with you when you come to see me, please?
"Holding the fund-raising concert was successful." "Yes, Mr. Chang gave
2.000 dollars and ................ ."
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