Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Ôn tập Part 5 - Bài số 7

1. All applications must be ------- by the first of next month in order for them to be considered.

2. All employees ------- in the center after 6 p.m. are asked to make sure the laboratories are securely locked and that the security alarm is turned on before leaving.

3. Mr. Andrew teaches seminars on all of Polaroid’s creative techniques and he is available to conduct workshops around the country -------- request.

4. I am very interested in the advertised position and would --------- the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in person.

5. We have found it ------- to request estimates from several contractors before choosing one.

6. At Gary Danko, reservations are taken exactly two months --------, and a weekend nights’ worth of tables sells out three hours after the phones open.

7. Ms. Brasher’s budget is always likely to be --------, which protects her division from unexpected costs.

8. Job descriptions enable both prospective and current employees -------- what is expected of them.

9. Metrocom Camera Club has its own darkroom facility within the wing that is -------- to all members at no extra cost.

10. Customs duties and taxes are paid by the -------- at the time of delivery, or they can be billed to the Federal Express account.

11. The convention center will be ready for usage by the end of July -------- the builders are able to finish the first stage of work by the end of April.

12. We recommend that you follow the format shown in this sample when -------- announcements to be displayed on the bulletin board.

13. The first year’s sales of the new refrigerator were so -------- that the company made a decision to withdraw it from the market.

14. All employees are -------- that requests for union dues allotment may be submitted and processed at any time.

15. To compete effectively, the company should be aware of -------- the competitors in the industry are trying to accomplish.

16. Fitness specialists have become an integral part of the wellness movement as people become more conscious ------- diet and exercise.

17. ----- in our corporate sales training program has doubled over the last two months.

18. Employees ------- to work overtime must be qualified to perform the overtime work in an efficient and expeditious manner.

19. Many of Bennett Furniture's older designs are now more popular overseas than they are -----------.

20. The policy to compensate executives with performance-based bonuses will be subject to ----- by the board of directors.