Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Ôn tập Part 5 - Bài số 3

1. Mrs. Barry has asked management to approve some minor renovations to -------office.

2. The management hopes to ------- its expenses by purchasing economy rather than first-class tickets for business trips

3. Training for this year’s incoming recruits will commence on Monday March 1 and last ------- the end of the month

4. That Sharon did not finish her assignment on time due to illness was completely -------.

5. Even though the goods from the warehouse were delivered late, the shop ------- was able to display its fall line in time for the holiday weekend.

6. As a result of serious problems with the server, staff in the research department will be ------- to take off early today at 4 p.m

7. Customers wishing to refund ------- Healthy Living juicers or blenders must bring in the original receipt along with the malfunctioning product

8. Mr. Evans, head of account, received a favorable ------- from his colleagues and managers for his outstanding work ethic.

9. The final touches on the house, including the kitchen cabinetry, are expected to be completed -------.

10. Each of the expressways heading towards the city is ------- into four lanes in order to reduce traffic.

11. Edward Grey was solely ------- for doubling our company’s profits over the last year.

12. InTouch Mobile, also ------- as IM Phones, has extended its services to include global roaming and video conferencing.

13. The parking garage for employees is located ------- the rear entrance to the building on Quaker Street.

14. Recyclables and garbage must be left outside the front door every night for -------.

15. In order to be reimbursed for travel expenses, all receipts must be signed by ------- the manager or the head of the department

16. Even though the hotel has ------- amenities, it is the most conveniently located of all the city’s travel accommodations

17. Include a copy of your college diploma and transcripts along with your completed -------and send them to Mr. Raymond

18. After weeks of anticipation, Walters & Associates has ------- released the names of the successful candidates for positions at the firm.

19. Client consultations on Saturday with interested buyers must be finished ------- the 1 p.m. lunch hour.

20. Whether or not we succeed in completing this assignment rests on the ------- of each of our team members.

21. Human resources ------- to implement a more aggressive advertising strategy to attract qualified applicants

22. There is now an ------- version of the software program available on the distributor's Web site.

23. Luckily, the supplier's truck delivered the shipment on time ------- heavy rainstorms and bad traffic conditions.

24. Extended absences of more than two days must be approved by management -------.

25. Groups of ------- report on the local factory conditions to the government at least twice per year.

26. Telephone orders to the call center decreased significantly over the weekend ------- a city-wide electrical problem.

27. Access to the bank's vaults is generally not allowed, ------- to designated security employees and the general manager.

28. Even though Janice has already been to a football game -------, this will be the first time she has watched from a VIP box.

29. Mr. Bigg is being awarded for developing the overseas office and ------- drawing local clientele

30. Representatives of Trail Motors will ------- the power of its newest sports utility vehicle at this Saturday's exhibition.

31. With the instructions ------- to you in the package, you should be able to assemble the desk at home without any assistance.

32. The Star Metro service has been expanded recently to offer more ------- trains to City Hall and Foreman Avenue.

33. The hospital received a federal grant that allowed it to hire fifteen more nurses in addition to its ------- staff of fifty.

34. A ------- of experts from the National Health Institute was in Delhi to give talks at the Global Sanitation Forum.

35. Scientists are currently working to find fuel sources that are energy-efficient and -------feasible.

36. In order to be in ------- with federal law, each of the applicants must undergo a criminal records check.

37. Although most of this year's marathon competitors are amateur runners, a few ------- are returning from previous years.

38. In accordance with airline regulations, no single baggage item may ------- the 28 KG weight limit.

39. If your vacuum cleaner malfunctions, our service representatives will exchange it with ------- or offer you in-store credit.

40. ------- not necessary, wearing your ID badge is recommended, as security will be able to identify you more easily.