Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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To: Staff Supervisors

From: J. Wilkins, managing Director

Re: Internship program

Date: November 28

I would like to commend all of you for your hard work during last year’s Mentorship program. It was a great success, and has led to the creation of a new Internship program this year. The personnel department has completed the hiring of interns, who are ready for their work assignments.

Remember that we are working with the University Business school for this internship program. Because the internship is a graduation requirement for the students, the details of the internship must be well documented and submitted to the University for review. As such, it is imperative that supervisors outline reasonable performance goals, assign clearly defined tasks and projects, and write objective and constructive performance evaluation of their interns. At the end of the six-month term, up to five interns may be given a full-time employment offer. If you would like to recommend an intern, ensure that all of the paperwork has been submitted to the University first. Inform interns that they should discuss any disagreements regarding their performance evaluation with their supervisors BEFORE contacting my office.

1. What is the purpose of this memo?

2. How should interns handle a disagreement with an evaluation?

3. What may happen to an intern after six months of employment?

Reed Advertising

287 Ridge Rd.

Chevy Chase, MD 20345

July 12, 2000

Mr. Steve Burnham

Rockville Children’s Center

20089 Matson Rd.

Rockville, MD 20854


Dear Mr. Burnham,

On June 2nd, you signed an agreement for three promotional brochures at a cost of $1,500.00. At that time, you paid $500 and agreed to pay the remainder upon your acceptance of the photographs and copy. We finished the work on June 25th, as projected, and have been ready to send you the finished brochures for some time. The brochures look great, and I am sure that you will be pleased with the final result. We have been trying to contact you using the number you gave us, but you have not returned our calls. We would like to meet with you immediately so that you can approve the materials or authorize any necessary changes (subject to cost) and pay the remaining amount of the outstanding balance. I’m afraid that unpaid accounts are charged at 3% interest if not paid in full within one month of completion of the project.

Please call us by the end of the week to set up a meeting. Our office is open from 8 a.m until 7 p.m, so I am sure that we will have no difficulty arrange a convenient time. If a problem has come up concerning the project, we can discuss it then. I look forward to hearing from you by Friday, July 19th.


Reed Way

4. What is the main purpose of this letter?

What action is suggested in the letter?

6. Why is this letter necessary?

7. When did Reed Advertising last hear from Mr. Burnham?


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8. What must you do to receive these benefits?

9. Which of the following is NOT a benefit?

10. Where are these benefits NOT available?