Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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One-Med is an emerging growth company that will reward your skills as a Field Sales Representative. One-Med develops and markets medications. Our substantial product line and great prospects for growth allow us to offer you an exciting career opportunity. You will benefit from:

– A strong compensation package

– A supportive management team

– A ‘pay for performance’ system that offers strong incentives

We are looking for candidates with:

– Bachelor’s degree in business or life sciences

– Minimum three years of experience in pharmaceutical sales

– Proven track record of performance

– Strong work ethic and motivation for personal and professional growth

Please send your resume and salary requirements no later than September 2nd to: Human Resources Dept.,

One-Med Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,

3745 Standard Ave.,

Reston, VA.

No phone calls or email applications please.

We are an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.



190 Singlewell Road


VA 44091

September 3rd

Human Resources Dept.,

One-Med Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,

3745 Standard Ave.,

Reston, VA


Dear Sirs,

It is with great interest that I read your advertisement in the Reston Daily Herald. Please find attached a copy of my resume, outlining my qualifications and experience.

As you will see from my resume, I was recently awarded an MBA from the University of Reston.  Although I have not come from a background in business, I have been told many times that I have a natural ability to sell. At university, I was in charge of the Student Union Fund-raising committee and broke all previous records. I don’t like to boast, but I am extremely proud to say that during my MBA, I was awarded the Business Department’s Award for Excellence for my thesis. This is a prize awarded to one student in the department each year. This is my greatest achievement to date. While I do not have any experience working in sales, I believe that my studies have prepared me for a career in this field. I “I am looking for an opportunity to put into practice some of the theories I have learned, and to implement some ideas of my own. I am innovative, hard-working, and sure that I could be a great asset to One-Med Parmaceuticals. I am looking for a starting salary of $30,000.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide any more information. I can be reached at the phone numbers listed on my resume.


Kingston Churchill

1. What type of advertisement is this?

2. What does the advertisement offer applicants?

3. Which of the following best describes Kingston Churchill?

What achievement is Kingston Churchill most proud of?

For which of the following reasons is Kingston Churchill unlikely to be offered a position?

Wanted: Volunteers Help spread a happiness. Greenberg Brothers is looking for volunteers for the annual Children’s Christmas Charity Party to be held on December 12th.

Every year since Greenberg Brothers was founded in 1975, we have hosted a Christmas Charity Party for underprivileged children. These children are either resident in children’s homes or are currently being monitored by social services due to an unstable home environment.

We need two basic kinds of volunteers:

1) people to collect money and gifts from local businesses

2) people who will be able to assist on the day (supervising games, preparing and serving snacks, and providing a happy, carefree environment)

In particular, we need volunteers for the party who are qualified to administer first aid. We are required by law to make this provision.

If you are interested in volunteering, please talk to your office manager or send an email to, stating in which capacity you would like to offer your services.





From: Sally


Subject: Party Volunteers

Date: November 20th


I was very interested to read the notice posted in the staff room, and I’d like to offer my services as one of the Children’s Party volunteers. I’d be happy to help out in both the planning and preparation stage, and at the party itself. I am a qualified first-aider with up-to-date certification. The parties have a special meaning for me because, before joining Greenberg Brothers, I worked for social services for fifteen years. Every Christmas, the children I worked with used to look forward to the parties for weeks in advance. One of my acquaintances is a balloon sculptor. He has said that he is willing to come along and do a 20-minute balloon toy making session for the kids. He’ll demonstrate a few shapes such as dog, rabbit—that kind of thing, and teach the kids so that they’ll all have a balloon toy to take home. He has spoken to Balloons For All, and they will be donating 300 balloons.

I look forward to learning more details.

Sally Day

6. What is the purpose of this notice?

7. Who will be attending the party?

What kind of people will be essential on the day of the party?

Why is the party of special significance to Sally Day?

10. What will each child receive to take home?