Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 6

Luyện tập với các mẫu thông báo và thư tín, email

Dear Mr. Corradina:

We understand that you may be hesitant about using Grayson Bank’s online service, but we guarantee that you will have no worries once you become familiar with the system. It really is not much different from a bank machine in the sense that, once you access the system, you see a list of transactions to choose from that include, “Deposit”, “Withdrawal”, “Transfer” and “View Balance”. Once you click on these (1)……………………………………., it is really a matter of entering the appropriate amout of money for each transaction.

The most essential information you need (2)………………………………………. your user ID and password. You will find that information on the card attached to this notice. We advise committing the details to memory and keeping the card in a safe place to protect against theft of your confidential banking details.

If you find any aspect of our online service unsatisfactory, please feel free to submit (3)…………………………………… by calling us at 080-555-4564.

On behalf of everyone at Grayson, I would like to thank you for selecting us.


Lois Delveco, Director

Online Banking Services

1. Question 1



Dear Mr. Rohan,

This letter is to acknowledge that we have received your (4)……………………………………… for a credit card from Portobello Bank.

According to our records, you have had a checking account with us for the past three years, and this qualifies you for our Red M credit card.

(5)…………………………………….. credit card officer, John Brown, will call you this week to confirm the address to which you would like to have the credit card sent.

Thank you for (6)……………………………………… with us and we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service.

Sincerely yours,

Victoria Campbell

Head of Credit Card Division

Portobell Bank




To: Gilles Lemaire <>

From: Pedro Rodriguez <>

Date/Time: May 23/3:29:04

Re: Slight change of plan

HI Gilles,

How are you? I just want to let you know that I will be arriving in the afternoon of May 25 and not the morning as we planned. Ther are no seats on the 7:45 A.M. train to San Juan so I have to take the 11:15 train (7)……………………………………….. . That means I (8)……………………………………… at 1:15.

I’m sorry about this change because I know you wanted to have lunch together before going to the Langdon Exhibit at the Gomez Gallery. However, we can still have a late lunch or a big dinner after visiting the gallery. (9)……………………………………….. is fine with me.

Thanks, and I will see you on Friday.






February 4 – The National Bureau of Statistics announced that the GDP of the (10)………………………………………. year increased 12.5 percent over the preceding year.

Many economists attributed this growth to the free trade agreements the country has made with several Asian countries, though they don’t expect significant GDP growth over the next two years. (11)………………………………………, it is predicted that the country’s economy will enter a recessionary period from the fourth quarter.

Despite the boom in exports, the increasing value of our currency will affect many companies’ profits adversely which will eventually lead to an overall downturn in the economy. Concerns about a jump in the unemployment rate are also spreading among industry (12)…………………………………… .


