Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

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Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the following sentences. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
1. The presiding officials took off their hats....... the slain leader.

2. This prestigious award is not given to just........

3. Marine biologists want to reduce industrial.........

4. One of the things they will be....... is whether or not you are a team player.

5. I was told that the maitre d', who...... us so much, had just been fired.

6. Since most of the business meetings were at night we were able to spent the day.........

7. These stocks have done very........ since the company changed management

8. She wasn't able to identify the man she ...... that night.

9. We were told we....... be able to reserve a seat on the mailboat that passes through the Arctic Circle.

10. The lower cost of doing business overseas is enticing........many of our local manufacturers.