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Part 7
Luyện tập Part 7 - Bài 11
What type of employment is being offered?
According to the advertisement, what must applicants do before being hired?
Show proof of citizenship.
Clear a police screening.
Complete an application form.
Pass a math test.
What is the main purpose of Billy’s letter?
To know more details about the company’s pay system.
To know more details about advancement
To know if he can work overtime.
To know exactly what he does at the job
What does advancement probably mean in this advertisement and letter?
Improving working skills.
Harder work.
Why does Billy say he works overtime?
He usually loves his job.
He needs the money.
He has nothing to do at home.
Overtime work is fun.
How long has high-definition television been available?
2 years.
3 years.
4 years.
5 years.
What is one reason high-definition television has failed to catch on?
Consumers think it is too expensive.
Broadcasters have not adopted the format
Manufacturers are unwilling to promote new models.
Consumers prefer their old television sets
What is said in the second article about consumers?
They are satisfied with today’s television
They are looking forward to a new television
They want programs that go with the high-definition television.
They will not pay more money to see better quality.
What do they use in comparison for televisions?
Movie theatres.
DVD players.
Video tapes.
What can be assumed according to the articles?
High-definition televisions won’t turn out successful.
More movies will be made.
High-definition televisions will surpass modern televisions.
3D movie theatres will surpass projector screen theatres
What, according to the article, is often used to flavor bean wafers?
Sesame seeds.
How are bean wafers usually cooked?
In a toaster.
In a conventional oven.
In a microwave oven.
Over an open flame.
What is true about Ivan Kosher?
He isn’t Indian.
He lived in India for a long time.
He doesn’t like butter.
He thinks he knows more about Indian food than Martha.
What is the purpose of Ivan’s letter?
He wants a job at Food Lover’s magazine
He wanted to tell another way of cooking bean wafers
It is a fan letter to Martha.
To tell Martha her cooking methods are not used in India
What does Ivan say about Martha's article?
He can relate to what she says.
He thinks there are critical errors in her article.
She doesn’t know how to cook bean wafers right.
He is a big fan of her articles, but not her
What is one thing an applicant should understand from reading the notice?
To be hired, it will first be necessary to take a drug test.
No one with any drug history will ever be hired.
Smoking at work will be limited to certain “smoking areas”.
Smoking will not be permitted at work
What are applicants asked to do with regard to drug screening tests?
Keep them confidential.
Release Johnson Steel from any associated liability.
Discard them after five days.
Mail them to the Director of Human Resources
What happens when applicants refuse a drug screening?
They will never be interviewed again.
They will be asked to leave the office.
They may appeal the necessity of drug screening.
They may reapply for a job at a later date
What does Chris Weyers want to know about the company?
If he can smoke with the other workers
Does he need to quit smoking to get hired
If smoking is not allowed altogether, or if it is allowed at certain times.
If he can go out to lunch.
What does Chris Weyers say about the drug screening test?
He will apply for it.
He is not willing to apply for it.
He wants to know if every employee that works there now took it.
He wants to know what time the drug
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299,000 đ
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