Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 6


  • …………. immediately, paychecks will no longer be handed out on Fridays. Due to changes in payroll, we will now have paychecks available on the first and third Monday of each month. You can either pick your check up on these days in the Human Resources office (11th floor) before 5:00 p.m., or you can sign up for automatic deposit.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with automatic deposit, this means that your check will be put         (2) …………. into your checking account and you will receive a receipt of deposit from the bank each month in the mail. If you are interested in automatic deposit, you must sign up before February 23. The sign-up sheet is posted on the door of Human Resources.

For those who pick up their checks directly, remember that if you do not sign for your check on the first or third Monday, it will automatically be sent to you in the mail. Please be aware that we do not take (3) ………….for checks that are lost in the mail, and stop payment fees are paid by the employee.
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The Young Person’s Railcard is only (4) …………. until 17 March and we advise you to get one because it is excellent value for the money. It permits you (5) …………. travel for six months and it also entitles you to price reductions at certain hotels and restaurants.

It can only be obtained from the Student Travel Office in Piccadilly and must be collected (6) …………. . The age limit is 26 and you will need to take proof of your age. You will also need to prove that you are in full-time study. At the office, you fill in an application form and provide a passport-sized photograph.

The card is highly recommended, so if you are eligible for one, remember you do not have long in which to buy it.

17th February

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To succeed in Saudi Arabia, you need space and a convenient location. Access to transportation, electric power and manpower are also needed.

The Dammam Industrial Zone has all of this and more, and it’s available now. Our location is hard to beat, just ten minutes from King Fand International Airport. The existing airport highway takes you to the center of the Eastern Province. Plans are (7) …………. .for improved access to the port of Gizan. Adequate water and power are assured and both you and your management and staff will appreciate the peace and quiet of a rural setting. The Saudi Basic Development Corporation will also (8) …………. .  expert assistance with approvals, licenses and permits. Our situation is perfect for light or heavy manufacturing, (9) …………. . for research and development.

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WIN a $1,000 Prize!

All employees of Kramer Beverages Company are welcome to participate in a contest to choose a name for the new lime-flavored beer which was developed and tested by our staff during the months of October through January under the working name “Squash.”

The new product will soon be added to our current line of carbonated drinks, including the very popular “Violet’ and “Woodybell.” It is slated to be launched in June.

Names must be one word only and no entries (10) ………….. a resemblance to other companies’ brand names will be considered. In accordance with our marketing strategy, names should suggest qualities having to do with freshness, fun and relaxation, like with other Kramer products — something appealing to our target market of young women.

All entries must be submitted to the advertising department by April 1. You may enter as many times as you like, but each entry must be written on a separate entry form and must include the entrant’s name, address, phone number, and the location where he/she is employed.

The (11) …………. .name will be chosen by a panel of judges made up of a famous fashion designer, the president of Kramer Beverages, the well-known sports (12) …………. . Harriet Schroder, and Yoshiko Nagamoto, the head of the creative department at Goldson and Harper. The contest will be canceled if no suitable name is found. The winner will receive $1,000 in cash.

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