WIN a $1,000 Prize!
All employees of Kramer Beverages Company are welcome to participate in a contest to choose a name for the new lime-flavored beer which was developed and tested by our staff during the months of October through January under the working name “Squash.”
The new product will soon be added to our current line of carbonated drinks, including the very popular “Violet’ and “Woodybell.” It is slated to be launched in June.
Names must be one word only and no entries (10) ………….. a resemblance to other companies’ brand names will be considered. In accordance with our marketing strategy, names should suggest qualities having to do with freshness, fun and relaxation, like with other Kramer products — something appealing to our target market of young women.
All entries must be submitted to the advertising department by April 1. You may enter as many times as you like, but each entry must be written on a separate entry form and must include the entrant’s name, address, phone number, and the location where he/she is employed.
The (11) …………. .name will be chosen by a panel of judges made up of a famous fashion designer, the president of Kramer Beverages, the well-known sports (12) …………. . Harriet Schroder, and Yoshiko Nagamoto, the head of the creative department at Goldson and Harper. The contest will be canceled if no suitable name is found. The winner will receive $1,000 in cash.