Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Luyện tập Part 5 - Bài 2

1. Grant Wilkinson, who made arrangements for the conference, claims that the authoridium will be ---------- than adequate as a venue

2. Madison Air, a domestic airline carrier based in Ontario, will ------------ the national music festival next year

3. Kevin Jennings and Vili Dilisau, who ------------- for Gener-X Inc., will not join the seminar until after the lunch break.

4. Issues —----------- billing and repayment account for over half the total number of complaints that the customer service team receives.

5. Guests who sign up for the special Honeymoon Package will receive two additional nights free of -----------

6. Governor Gerald Yates ----------- in office for over 4 years by the time the next state election is held

7. Even after hours of brainstorming, the task force team was unable to --------- up with an effective strategy for the new advertising campaign.

8. The supervisor at the construction site is ------------ of hiring more temporary workers to help with the project.

9. Hammer Land is the place to go for high-quality and priced hardware and----------home renovation equipment.

10. Ms. Sanchez is planning to return to Puerto Rico for a vacation as soon ----------- she finishes working on the Dodson advertising contract.

11. Mr. Uzi needs someone from technical support to come to his office and —----------- some publishing software on his computer.

12. Consumers can help Ridley’s serve an even better selection of foods and beverages by ----------- out a customer questionnaire.

13. Our market research indicates that first-time users of the website often get-----------by the complicated registration procedure.

14. Having embarked on an ambitious expansion plan 5 years ago, Beltin Aluminum is now the world’s ---------- manufacturer of metals.

15. The agent from Travelex forwarded Ms. Forrester a copy of the ----------- for her trip to London next month.

16. The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation ---------- a special award to world-renowned researcher Dr. Townsend.

17. Those who would like to transfer to the Fresno branch should send —-------- applications to Jennifer Weisenberg in Personnel.

18. The HR department is issuing employees new identification cards,----------they must wear at all times in the office.

19. Ms. Dunning in the accounting division has ---------- a meeting with the manager to discuss a private issue.

20. ------------ a safety precaution, the security manager advises residents not to use the back exit of the apartment complex at night.