Online Grocery Shopping
Online grocery shopping has suddenly become more pervasive. One of the biggest ---1---- over shopping in person at a grocery store is the convenience and accessibility of products. Grocery stores realize that shoppers are more likely to shop at places they can find ---2---- they are looking for. Online grocery shopping can also allow stores to personally customize marketing strategies to an individual consumer’s needs. For example, they can use programs that track purchases. Based on ----3---- purchases, the programs can suggest certain items to a customer and possibly increase sales.
To: Genetech staff < staff >
From : HR < HR >
Date: May 12
Subject : Identification card
We would like to inform staff that identification cards will soon be issued to all employees. You can register for your card at http://genetech/id/register. You will be given a number, which you must bring to the HR department office. Failure to comply may ---4----suspension. Replacement of identification cards will be ---5----- the employee's expense. All staff ---6---- to review the policy on identification cards. The Human Resources Policies are available online at http://gentech/HR/policies. If you have any issues or concerns regarding the aforementioned policies, please contact the human resources department at 934-2439.
From: Mark Stephens<>
To: Mary Timmons <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20
Subject: Changing the Web Site
Hi Mary,
Can you change the Sales section of the website when you have a chance? We just got ---7---- to bring on five new employees in the Sales Department and we would to post information about the positions. While I ----8--- the website, I also saw that the job descriptions for our department need to be fixed. The job description for overseas sales manager has been switched with the description for domestic sales manager. Could you ----9--- this mistake when you post information about the job openings?
Thank you for your assistance
To: Merick Inc. Employees
From: George Tarp
Subject: This weekend’s conference
We are excited to host this weekend's conference on advances in medical technology. Merick Inc. is a global leader in the production of cutting edge medical
products. However, our growth has been dependent not only on our innovative products but also by the ------10------- collaborative efforts with other companies to advance biomedical technology. To demonstrate our company’s philosophy on transparency and sharing research, we have one of our top stem cell researchers
giving a presentation on his latest research. This presentation ------11------- how stem cell research can be applied to clinical applications. The potential applications for this research are in every ----12------- of medicine, from oncology to cardiology.