Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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Subject: still waiting for an answer

Date: November 3


This the third letter I have sent to you in response to your initial e-mail inquiring as to the possibility of my company doing business with yours. I must say that while I was originally very intrigued by your proposal, your failure to respond to any of my e-mail is, to say the least, unprofessional. When I first heard from you, I realized that, considering the high number of products that your company imports on a daily business, you could use the services of a company like mine, which is used to transporting rare, fragile, and unique products across borders. My company also has extensive shipping lines – both air and ship – in Asia and Africa, where it appears that your company imports the majority of its products. However, I’m not sure why you have refused to respond to my replies. This will be my last email; however, should you choose to respond, I will still be open to doing business with Quality Imports.

Thank you

Robert Holyfield





Subject: about your inquiry

Date: November 4


Dear Mr. Holyfield:

My name is Harold Sims, and I am an associate of Jill Solomon’s at Quality Inports. I understand your frustration at not receiving a reply soon from Jill after having sent her three emails. Please understand that Jill has been hospitalized for over a week on account of a car accident she was in. she should be released within the next couple of weeks. Her injuries, while serious, are at least not life-threatening.

Several different employees from our company have taken over Jill’s work while she recuperates, and I have volunteered to work with your company. I would like you to know that we are very interested in working together with you and would love to hear more about your business, the kinds of products you are equipped to transport, and the various rates that you charge. As you know, we import many unique artifacts and require special containers for many of them. Perhaps we can discuss matters by telephone and then arrange to meet in person to settle things? Please give me a call at 612 404 7121 at your leisure. I look forward to hearing from you.


Harold Sims
1. Why Robert Holyfield sending another email to Solomon?

2. What kind of company does Mr. Holyfield work for?

3. Why does Mr. Holyfield want to work with Jill Solomon?

4. Why did Jill Solomon not respond to any of Mr. Holyfield’s email?

5. What does Harold Sims request of Mr. Holyfield?

One of the most difficult things for people looking to get involved in the stock market is simply getting started. There are so many brokers competing for clients that it can be hard knowing which one to choose. Should you get a broker with many clients or one with just a few? Should you get a broker who specializes in bonds or mutual funds, or should you find one who doesn’t specialize in one area of the market? Should you find a broker at large firm or one who works for a smaller place? These are just some of the questions people have. Unfortunately, for many, the questions are so overwhelming that they eventually give up and don’t ever bother investing in the market.

Giving up is something that no one should ever have to do. Just follow a few simple steps, and you shouldn’t have any problem in finding the broker who is right for you. First, and most important, find someone with whom you feel comfortable. If you don’t have a good feeling a potential broker, avoid him. Remember, you’re going to have to trust him with your money. If you don’t feel confident in him or don’t trust him, you’re going to spend too much time worrying about your money. Second, once you’ve narrowed your search down, do your homework, and research each person. Make sure that they have good records of making money for their clients.

And finally, go with the person whom you feel is right. Just like playing the market, people often follow their hunches. Make the choice and don’t have any second thought about it, at least for a while. If you follow this advice, you shouldn’t have too many problems in finding a good broker.



Harold Weaver

The San Antonio Star

100 Penterson Avenue

San Antonio, TX


Dear Mr. Weaver,

I recently read your piece of advice on how to choose a broker, and I must say that I was very impressed with it. Like your advice stated, choosing a broker can be very difficult. I went through exactly what you described; I kept looking for a good broker but wasn’t quite sure what exactly I was looking for. Actually, I was ready to give up and simply keep all my money invested in CDs until I read your article.

After applying your ideas, I quickly whittled my search down to three different brokers. I checked them all out and asked around for some information on them. One of them simply stood out above the others. I choose him just a few days ago, and he’s already started handling my money.

I’m not sure how this is going to work out, but I have high hopes for future. However, I’d like to thank you for your advice. It surely assisted me in making a decision, and I’m sure that it has helped many others as well. I’ll be sure to read your future columns and hope that your other advice columns are as good as this one.


Matthew Hanson

6. Why do some people decide not to choose a stockbroker?

7. What kind of research should someone do on a potential broker?

8. What was Matthew Hanson’s opinion of the article?

9. What will a person who isn’t confident in his broker do?

10. What does Matthew Hanson say he will do in the future?