Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

Luyện đọc với thông báo và email

Three – Day Forecast

Friday March 22: Residents should carry their umbrellas because there is an 85 percent chance of heavy rain. Morning temperatures will be in the low 70’s and are expected to drop to around 65 in the mid-afternoon.

Saturday March 23: If you’re planning any outdoor activities, then this is the day to schedule them. Thanks to a warm westerly wind, temperatures are forecasted to be in high 80’s, about five degrees warmer than we might usually expect at this time of the year. Remember to wear sunscreen and drink lots of water.

Sunday March 24: Make sure you enjoy the sunshine on Saturday, because on Sunday temperatures will drop to the low 60’s. There will be some sun in the morning but the afternoon will be mostly cloudy.



From: Belinda Pushkin

To: All sales staff

Subject: Company picnic


Hello, I just wanted to let everyone know that the Tollins company picnic has been cancelled because there is a chance of rain on the day we originally chose. As you know, we wanted to have the picnic outdoors so that employees could participate in a variety of team-building exercises.

We asked the Humble Country Club if we could hold the lunch in their Club House instead, but unfortunately they told us that Plymouth Autos will be holding a special banquet to celebrate their 25th anniversary there.

Attached to this email is an Employee Preference Form. I am asking all employees to list their preferred date for the reschedule company picnic. I sincerely hope that we can accommodate everyone’s schedule. Please fill out the form and email it to me by Thursday, March 21st at 3 p.m.



Belinda Pushkin

Human resources

1. According to the weather forecast, what is unusual about Saturday’s weather?

2. When was the picnic originally scheduled?

3. Why can’t the event be held in the Club House?

4. What can be inferred about Plymouth Autos from the email?

5. What did Belinda Pushkin add to her email?


Classes in French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic

Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Professional level classes

Small group classes

Tutoring available for French, Spanish, and Japanese only

Morning (three hours/day) and evening (two hours/week)

Weekend schedule also available

All our teachers are native speakers and are professionally

trained in the latest methodologies.

Traveling? We also have locations in several other cities.

Call our office to find out where.



October 2


Dear Yoko,


I have exciting news for you. Do you remember how I’ve always wanted to learn Korean? Well now I’m finally doing it. I’ve found a fantastic language school not far from my apartment, and I’m taking classes there. Of course, I’m really busy at work all day, so I’m studying in the evening. The classes are really interesting and the homework load is not so bad. I’m really learning a lot. The best part of all is that my company is paying 100% of the class tuition.

You know you’ve been saying that you want to improve your English. You’re in luck? I checked and found out that the World Wide School of Languages has a branch in your city. I really recommend their classes. I think their highest-level English class would be just right for you. Your company would probably pay for the classes because you use English a lot at work. You can also arrange to get university credit. I think it’s a great deal.

The other good news is that my company is sending me on a trip next month to your city. So I’ll see you soon.




6. Which language is NOT taught at the World Wide School of Languages?

7. Where do Maki’s Korean classes take place?

8. How many hours a week is Maki studying Korean?

9. What level class does Maki recommend for Yoko?

10. What will Maki do next month?