Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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E-Klavier Digital Piano – User’s Manual

Thank you for purchasing an E-Klavier Digital Piano by SoundDesign! Please carefully read the user’s manual prior to operating your digital piano. Not only will it enhance your experience, it will also extend the life of your machine. Your E-Klavier Digital Piano is manufactured to the most exacting specifications using the best material available. By following the instructions contained in this manual, it will provide you with a lifetime enjoyment. In addition to this manual, there is more information on the SoundDesign website.

Important Warning

The surface of your new E-Klavier Digital Piano by SoundDesign is coated with our patented high-gloss enamel to mimic the finish of the highest-quality grand pianos. It is susceptible to scratching. Should it require cleaning, you should wipe it with a lightly-damped cloth. Under no circumstances should you use detergents or abrasives to clean any part of the surface, as scratching or discoloration may result.

Should you have any problems with your digital piano that are not covered by the material in this manual, first check the FAQ and troubleshooting sections of our website at If you still cannot find a solution to your problem, call our service representative at the number on the back cover of the manual, or e-mail them at


To Whom It May Concern:

I recently purchased a T-201 E-Klavier, and have been very satisfied. It has so many useful functions! If anything, it has too many. (It took me a whole afternoon to figure out how to use it properly; but, then again, I’m not exactly skilled with electronic gadgets.) It really lives up to the promises in your literature. The sound is excellent. My son-in-law, who is a concert pianist, was impressed, so that says a lot.

Anyway, the main reason I’m writing is that my little granddaughter spilled her grape juice all over the top of the keyboard. I mopped most of it up at the time, but some got under the lid and now it’s a sticky mess in there. I tried using a damp cloth as the user manual recommends, but it’s just not coming off. I looked through all of the material on the website, too but I think this problem is rather unique. I’m worried about ruining the finish, so I’m asking if there are any soaps or detergents that I could safely use.

Thanks a lot.

Randy Wilson
1. What are owners of the T-201 E-Klavier instructed to do?

2. What are consumers told to do if there is a problem with their E-Klavier?

3. What should be used to clean the surface of the keyboard?

4. What is the purpose of the email?

5. What has Mr. Wilson already tried?

Small Business Association Conference – Thursday, August 18th

Seminar – Itinerary

7:30 a.m. Registration Opens
8:00 a.m. – 8:20 a.m. Opening Ceremony
8:20 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. Session I


“Seven Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth,” Part I, with Michael Bornstein

10:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. Session II


1.“Creating a Winning Culture of Innovation” with Bill Ripley

2. “21st Century E-marketing,” with Richard Grant

Noon Luncheon
1:00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. Workshops held in Marchand Hall
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Break
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Awards Dinner & Reception



Date: Wednesday, August 17th


Mike just called from the airport in Toronto, and it looks like he’s going to be arriving late. There was some mix-up with his flight, I guess. Apparently, he told his secretary that he has expecting to be leaving tonight, but for some strange reason she booked the flight for tomorrow morning. That means that he won’t be able to be here for his presentation. Anyway, he sounded really worried about it, and I didn’t really know what else to do, so I said we’d rearrange the schedule. He won’t be here until 11 o’clock at the earliest, so I’ll have to put you and Richard first in Session I. I know you were only scheduled to speak for about 30 minutes, but I’d really appreciate it if you could stretch your presentation out a bit – maybe have a question-and-answer session or something. You need to fill about an hour. I know it’s last minute, but these things happen. Whenever he gets in, we can start his session, and it won’t be too bad. I figure, at worst, we’ll be running about half an hour late. Oh, and could you please let everyone know about the changes when you give your presentation tomorrow morning?
Thanks a lot for understanding.

See you tomorrow.

James Ransom

6. When was Michael Bornstein originally supposed to deliver hispresentation?

7. Who is the note for?

8. Why can Mr. Bornstein not give his presentation at 8:20 a.m?

9. When was the e-mail sent?

10. Who will inform the people attending the conference of the schedule changes?