Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Incomplete Sentences | Đề Số 7

1. Perhaps your remittance to clear this amount has been ________, and if so, please accept our thanks.

2. This is to acknowledge our telephone conversation ________ the past due balance on your account.

3. The party is _______ for Liza's last day, which is Friday, June 15th, right after work.

4. Inasmuch as she is __________ an "Army Wife", we thought it might be appropriate to buy her a really nice set of luggage.

5. We are throwing a _________ away party for Liza, which will hopefully be a surprise.

6. I am sure Rob has _________ and will continue to enjoy the friendship of your son.

7. Again, thank you for the hospitality you _________ to our son during the vacation period.

8. We certainly look forward to _________ you in the near future.

9. Please accept our warmest regards and sincerest ______ that all is well.

10. Needless to say, there is no excuse for this and I ______ my sincerest apologies along with the attached check.