Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Incomplete Sentences | Đề Số 5

1. Today, however, your account ________ reached the critical stage

2. When you ___________ credit from us, you met all of these criteria.

3. When our firm ________ credit to an individual such as yourself, it bases its decision on that applicant's previous credit history and ability to pay.

4. Our accounting department has turned your past due account over to me _________ that I could persuade you to bring it current prior to forwarding your file to our legal department.

5. So that no further action on our part will be necessary, we shall ______ a remittance by return mail or the courtesy of a reply to our letter as to why payment is being withheld.

6. We extended credit to you on your account in good faith and ________ payment under our normal thirty day terms which we feel are most reasonable.

7. According to our records we have not __________ either a reply to our letter or a remittance to clear this account.

8. Any further violations of company policy or failure to _________ in accordance with our standards shall result in immediate dismissal without further warning.

9. You have been previously __________ of certain problems in your performance as an employee, which problems appear to continue.

10. This office will also _________ you with the name and address of the original creditor if different from the current creditor.