Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 5

Incomplete Sentences | Đề Số 4

1. Should you have any reason to dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office ________ obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of the Judgment and mail you a copy of same.

2. In the event you should fail to contact us immediately, we will _______ that this debt is valid.

3. In addition to the above mentioned balance, you may ________ liable for court costs and interest.

4. Filing of suit will initiate a series of events that will _________ you considerable inconvenience and expense.

5. The postmark of this letter is __________ with our office.

6. We do not wish to ________ any action which might impair your credit rating and therefore request that you give this matter your most immediate attention.

7. If we do not receive your first payment by the date ________ above, we will have no choice but to refer your account to a collection agency.

8. This offer is _________ made to you as our expression of wanting to settle your account in an amicable manner.

9. Inasmuch as the outstanding balance is sizable, I _______ outlined a payment plan for you as a method to retire the entire balance

10. Your account has _________ referred to me with instructions that I make final demand for payment of this debt.