The problem _______ that during our recent move to Florida the movers lost my Mixmaster.
The fact that this appliance never once failed either of us, nor _________ any service whatsoever throughout all of those year's of use, is one that deserves to be brought to your attention.
While I have no record of a serial number, I would venture to say that she _________ it around 1955.
My mother __________ me her Chambers Mixmaster when I was married in 1963.
Once I am satisfied with the accuracy of the ___________, I will forward a letter, with any required documentation, to your attention.
I have made arrangements for these checks to be _________ to me and should have a reconciliation ready for your review within the next ten days.
Although we are unable to offer you credit terms, we would be __________ to welcome you as a customer and hope that we will be able to open a charge account for you some time in the future.
We wish to advise you that you have the right under federal law to obtain full disclosure of the nature and substance of all information on you that is __________ in the files of the consumer credit reporting agency, with the exception of medical data, upon the presentment of proper identification.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to open a charge account for you at present due to information __________ from the following consumer reporting agency.
May your Christmas and Chanukah season be _________ with happiness and joy, followed by a most wonderful New Year.