Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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To: Tim Rennie <>

From: Carla Santos <>

Date/Time: March 5/9:47 A.M.

Re: Order 5673-09221

Dear Mr. Rennie:

Thank you very much for ordering a paperback version of Lois Markey’s latest fiction novel, Moonlight Invasion. As written on the homepage of our Web site, all books are shipped within two days of order, so yours will be sent out this afternoon. This novel is one of over 70 books by Lois Markey that are available through Dryden’s Online Books. Other well-known Markey’s books in stock include River Frolic, Men Under the Bridge, and My Friend from Africa.

As you may recall, all members of our online book club are entitled to a $7 discount on their 20th order. According to your account records, this order is your 20th since you joined us two years ago. Therefore, $7.00 will be deducted from your regular price of $28.00.

Thank you very much for trusting Dryden’s for all your reading needs.


Carla Santos, Online Sales Agent

To: Carla Santos <>

From: Tim Rennie <>

Date/Time: March 5/1:02 P.M.

Re: re: Order 5673-09221

Dear Ms. Santos:

Thank you very much for contacting me about the status of my last order. I look forward to receiving the book.

I am also wondering if Dryen’s has any hardcopy editions of that same book in stock. My Grandma in Brunswick City is a huge fan of Lois Markey and has every book she has written except that one. Her 70th birthday is coming up and I would like to send one to her as a gift. I understand that any books purchased as gifts are available at 5% off of the regular price. Could you please let me know if this is correct?

Again, thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.

1. What is the purpose of the first e-mail?

2. What is indicated about Dryden’s Online Books?

3. What is suggested about Mr. Rennie?

4. In the second e-mail, the word “status” underlined in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

5. Which book is Mr. Rennie asking about in his e-mail?

Melford Herald

Your Place for Great Seafood

Denise Biggar

If you’re like me, you can never have enough seafood. During my 12 years writing reviews for the Meldford Herald, I have eaten meals at over 20 seafood establishments in the Trafton region and I can honestly say that my experience last night at Captain Aoki ranks in the top five.

Since its grand opening three months ago, Captain Aoki has had a full house practically every evening. One reason is its simple menu which offers a choice of either Menu A, a salmon steak dinner, or Menu B, a tuna casserole dinner. Last night, I selected the first option. The meal began with a smooth and creamy homemade clam chowder and a delicious side order of crab salad. When the main course, a salmon steak, was place in front of me, I couldn’t believe how delicious it looked and smelled. One bite was enough to convince me that it was one of the best pieces of salmon that I had ever eaten. My meal concluded with a glass of Malten red wine.

Beside the food, Captain Aoki also offers a relaxing atmosphere. The interior is calm an decorated with may seascape oil paintings by Noriyo Koto, one of Japan’s most renowned artists.

I will, without a doubt, be returning to Captain Aoki in the future. If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself. Captain Aoki is open Monday to Saturday from 5:00 to 11:00. Advance booking is strongly recommended as the restaurant is quite popular these days.

To: Denise Biggar <>

From: Tadashi Sato <>

Date/Time: August 19/10:23 A.M.

Re: Thank you

Dear Ms. Biggar,

As owner and manager of Captain Aoki, I would like to thank you your wonderful review in yesterday’s edition of the Melford Herald.

To ensure freshness and good taste, I personally purchase all fish from the Delbert Seafood Market every morning. This, for me, is probably the highlight of my work because I know my guests enjoy the fresh food that I select.

I would be delighted to have you return my restaurant to try our newest meal. In response to feedback from guests, we have added Menu C, a lobster dinner, as this area is famous for lobster fishing.

Again, thank you very much and you are always welcome here at Captain Aoki.

Sincerely yours,

Tadashi Sato

6. What most likely is Ms. Biggar’s occupation?

7. What is indicated about Captain Aoki?

8. According to Mr. Sato, what aspect of his work is especially rewarding?

9. What can be inferred about the Trafton region?

10. What does Mr. Sato invite Ms. Biggar to do?