Trang chủ / TOEIC 750 / Part 7

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18 Pine Hill Rd.
Mulberry, MI
22 October 2007

Dear Mr. Johnson,
We received your request to change the dates of your reservation at the Glenwood Resort from April 15-22 to June. Unfortunately, I have checked the database and there are no rooms available for those dates. I sincerely apologize that we cannot accommodate your request: unfortunately June, July, and August are our busiest months because we offer special summer discounts. I understand that your company is relocating you to London in July and therefore you can’t make a reservation for any other date. I would like to mention, however, that Phillip D. Humboldt, the owner of Glenwood Resort, recently opened another luxury resort, Woodshire Retreat, just thirty minutes outside of Mulberry. If you would like to make a reservation at this resort, the number is 1-800-238-9648. Or you can make a reservation online at

Richard Kent,
Customer Service

1. What is the purpose of this letter?

2. What did Mr. Humboldt achieve recently?

Attention All Employees!

The executives at Juniper Insurance have decided to purchase mobile phones for all employees. They are hoping that the new phones will improve communication between members of different departments. The company will be purchasing forty-seven TM-161 cell phones from Globalphone Inc. at the end of July. You will receive your new phone during the first week of August. Each employee will be given 200 minutes free each month. If you use more than your monthly limit, you will be charged an additional $25 each month. We understand that this is a new policy that may potentially be problematic, so we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. To monitor the new phone system’s effectiveness, we will be asking employees to fill out a survey. The date of this survey has not been chosen yet. However, it will most likely take place during the third week of August. Also, employees with other suggestions about how to help employees communicate better should fill out an Employee Comments Form, which can be obtained from Betty Gill in the Human Resources Department.

3. What does the company plan to do in July?

4. How will the company evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy?

5. Why would someone contact Betty Gill?

New Conference Center

Limited Properties (LP) is proud to announce that it has completed construction on its second conference center in Springfield, Ohio, a spokesman for the company said. The first conference center is located next to Upton Insurance building downtown, and is famous for its golden windows. For three years in a row, this conference building has been the venue for important international seminars and meeting between oil companies. The second conference center is even larger than its predecessor, it has ten more floors and is roughly three times wider. Construction on the second conference center began on March 2, 2004, and was not completed until July 29, 2007. To commemorate its opening, CEO of LP, Robert Henley, is planning a huge dinner, which will take place on August 15. Prominent members of the business community and city officials will attend the event, which will include a five-course meal and live music from the Springfield Harmonic Symphony.


43 Princeton Rd.
Springfield, OH
August 5, 2007

Mr. Todd Poll, Public Relations Division
Limited Properties
124 Hunting Lane
Springfield, OH

Dear Mr. Poll,

I was honored to receive an invitation to the commemorate dinner at the new conference center in Springfield, and I would be delighted to attend. I was in Milan on a business trip when the conference center was completed and I could not wait to get back and see how it looked. I agree with the general consensus that Limited Properties has created a place that is even better than the first conference center. In fact, I would like to host the 4th Annual Business Development Conference at the new facility in September. This year, representatives from Chile, Korea, China, Japan, and Australia will attend the event, and I am confident they would be impressed with the LP Grand Conference Center. Perhaps we could meet at the dinner and discuss this matter further. I look forward to seeing you there.

Charles Gates
CEO, GMA Oil Corp

6. What does the article mention about the first conference center?

7. What is expected on August 15th?

8. When was Mr. Gates in Milan?

9. What can be inferred about Business Development Conference?

10. Why does Mr. Gates want to meet with Todd Poll?