Trang chủ
Khóa học
Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
Luyện thi IELTS
Đăng nhập
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Bài giảng
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Trang chủ
Part 4
Who is Mindy Wong?
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What is being advertised?
A travel agency
An airline
A radio program
A hotel
Who is Mindy Wong?
A travel guide
A hotel employee
A radio host
A flight attendant
What will happen every Thursday?
A plane will depart for an exotic location
The hotel will provide discounts on the rooms
Mindy will guide the tourists around the city
The show will air on the radio
How long has the festival been held?
One year
Two years
Five years
Ten years
Who is Mr. Davis?
A television reporter
The event organizer
The mayor of the city
One of the new immigrants
What will probably happen next?
The mayor will give a speech
The festival will come to a close
The food will be served
The reporter will talk to the mayor
Who most likely is John Michaels?
A lawyer
A university staff member
A student
A judge
What is the main purpose of the call?
To get some information about an applicant
To apply for a job at the company
To inquire about the university
To seek information about a legal fact
What does the caller request?
To fax the resume today
To come down in person
To contribute some money
To provide a statement
In which part of the year does this event take place?
The spring
The summer
The fall
The winter
hat is the main purpose of the session?
To discuss the mistakes of the past year
To give out awards to the best manager
To work on their managerial skills
To talk about plans for the upcoming year
What will happen next?
The listeners will go to lunch
The workshop will begin
The event will finish for the day
The president will come on stage
Trả lời
Đề thi này dành cho tài khoản VIP. Mời bạn
đăng ký học
để đăng ký tài khoản VIP.
Nếu đã có tài khoản VIP, mời bạn nhập tài khoản và mật khẩu ở dưới để làm bài.
Đăng nhập để học tiếp
Tài khoản MonKa
Mật khẩu
Đăng nhập
Chưa có tài khoản?
Đăng ký mới!
Quên mật khẩu?
Câu đúng
Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo