Trang chủ
Khóa học
Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
Luyện thi IELTS
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Bài giảng
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Trang chủ
Part 3
Where most likely is the conversation taking place?
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Where most likely is the conversation taking place?
In a restaurant
At a furniture shop
In an office
At a bookstore
What did the man’s secretary do for the man?
Call the bookstore
Pick up a new table
Clean the windows
Make a reservation
What will the woman do next?
Clean the table
Order some food
Call her secretary
Show the man to his table
What is the purpose of the woman’s call?
To place an order for some office supplies
To inform the man of a future delivery date
To complain about a broken chair
To make an appointment
What does the man request?
To have the items delivered a day early
To visit the factory site
To talk the woman’s supervisor
To get a day off on Friday
When will the man receive the goods?
What does the man ask the woman to do?
Arrange a dental appointment
Get Mr. Gomez’s cell number
Call someone on the phone
Attend the managerial meeting
When is Mr. Gomez supposed to arrive?
At 11 o’clock
At 12 o’clock
At 1 o’clock
At 2 o’clock
Where will the man most likely go next?
To a meeting
To the dentist office
To Mr. Gomez’s office
To the parking lot
Why is the man calling?
To ask for the website address
To cancel an appointment
To inquire about the business hours
To place an order for some products
According to the woman, why is the store closing early tonight?
They close early on weekends
They are doing some inventory work
Business is slow these days
There is a power outage
What does the woman suggest the man do?
Delay the delivery until the weekend
Come to the store a bit earlier
Call before coming down to the store
Go to their website
Trả lời
Đề thi này dành cho tài khoản VIP. Mời bạn
đăng ký học
để đăng ký tài khoản VIP.
Nếu đã có tài khoản VIP, mời bạn nhập tài khoản và mật khẩu ở dưới để làm bài.
Đăng nhập để học tiếp
Tài khoản MonKa
Mật khẩu
Đăng nhập
Chưa có tài khoản?
Đăng ký mới!
Quên mật khẩu?
Câu đúng
Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo