Welcome to the Grand Opening of the Lake Park Plaza!
From: Olivia Johnson
To: All staff
This memo is to refresh everyone’s memory on the importance of keeping records private. Please remember that all (7) ……….records must be kept in locked file cabinets when not in use. The company’s reputation rests upon your ability to handle (8) ……… client information properly. Employees who (9) ……. to do so will be warned, and if it happens repeatedly, access to the files will be restricted.
Starling next week, the new City Library (10) ……… a variety of servi
ces to meet the needs of all citizens. In the past, it (11) …………. impossible to provide those services due to the lack of technology and equipment. We always (12) …………… comments and suggestions that may help us serve you better. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, let us know.
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