Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 6

Ôn tập ngữ pháp và từ vựng tổng hợp | Đề 28

To: Fiona Kim

From: Baljit Singh

Subject: Urgent Business

Ms. Kim:

I wish you to present yourself at my office at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. It has been (1)…………….. to my attention by various members of staff that you have not been acting in a very cooperative manner of late, and I feel we need to meet to discuss the (2) ……………… I was very surprised to hear this, and although I have been ignoring it, hoping that this was a temporary matter, it has been going on long enough that I think we need to talk.

I will not go into (3) …………….. in this memo, but needless to say we will be discussing three major incidents which have caused us to lose important contracts. I have not yet decided what will happen to your position at this company; it depends rather on the outcome of our meeting tomorrow and the outcome of a second meeting that I will have with both of your (4)…………….. tomorrow afternoon.

1. Question 1

2. Question 2

3. Question 3

4. Question 4

To: Graeme Lynch

From: Finance

Re: Taxes

It has been brought to our (5) …………….. that you have been charged incorrectly for taxes over the last five months. We apologize sincerely because this is (6) …………… an error in our office. We were going through some personnel changes when you joined the company, and unfortunately some incorrect data was entered into our database. We have just realized that you have been charged for a higher tax bracket than you should have been. We are making (7) …………….. to rectify the situation immediately, and in your next paycheck you will notice that less tax has been subtracted than in previous months. You can reclaim the previous extra deductions if you (8) …………….. for a rebate at the end of the financial year.

5. Questions 5

6. Question 6

7. Question 7

8. Question 8

Evergreen Garden Center

Slade Valley


December 19th

Dear Mrs. Jane Goldby,

I am pleased to (9)……………, on behalf of the Evergreen Garden Center, that this year, you are the lucky winner of our annual Christmas tree prize drawing. As you may recall from your last visit to our store, all customers (10) ……………..items during the month of December were automatically entered in our drawing. The winning tickets were drawn this morning, and you were the lucky first prize winner.

A few other smaller prizes were also awarded. We would like to (11)…………….. you to a prize winners reception at the Evergreen Garden Center on December 24th.  Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend. We plan to present your prize on that (12)……………… .



Arthur Brown

9. Questions 9

10. Question 10

11. Question 11

12. Question 12