Is pleased to announce the opening of a new branch at 1109 South Boulevard in the Green Lake section of town.
This (9)……… a full-service branch where you can be sure of receiving the professional, prompt, and friendly service that you are accustomed to at all Bournesville Bank branches.
Please join us for the grand opening of our new branch on Monday, May 22 during our regular business hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
There will be refreshments, live (10)………, and prizes.
Bank staff will be on hand to explain all the service available to our customers. Everyone who opens a new (11)……… during the Gran opening will receive a special bonus gift.
This gift is our way of saying “thank you” for doing business with us.
Bournesville Bank, your partner in all your business and personal (12)……… needs.