Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 6

Ôn tập ngữ pháp và từ vựng tổng hợp | Đề 11

Dear Tracey,

Your mother and I were very happy to hear from you at last. It had been almost 4 months (1) …………. your last email. I really do wish that you would get a telephone. I don’t know why you (2). ……………being so difficult to contact. I guess we will just have to respect your privacy. While you almost never contact us, your sister telephones every day. As you know, I am willing to pay for a phone line provided you promise to call at least once a month. We don’t make many demands of you, Tracey. (3) …………  we want to see to you more, we don’t visit you unexpectedly, do we? Well, I hope that your job is going well. Remember, you know where to find us if you feel like visiting some time. I know that would (4) …………….your mother very happy. Look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of love, Dad

1. Question 1

2. Question 2

3. Question 3

4. Question 4

A lot of people say that they are not interested (5) …………fishing because it is a boring hobby. However, it continues to be popular worldwide. What is the attraction of this pastime? Well, it is a good way to (6) ………….. from the stresses of modern society. When you are fishing, you don’t have to worry about deadlines, there are no emails to write, and you can turn off your cell phone. You can just sit there as long as you want, relaxing and thinking about whatever you want. Or you can even think about nothing. It doesn’t have to be a lonely (7). ………… . Some people go fishing with a big group of friends. They enjoy the peace and quiet together, then (8) ………. dinner together after a long day of waiting for fish to bite their hooks.
5. Question 5

6. Question 6

7. Question 7

8. Question 8

Huntley School for Girls


H78 E88

Dear Mrs. Miles,

It is with great (9) ………. that I am writing this letter. As you know, your daughter Miranda has  been having problems with some the other girls. One girl needed to be hospitalized as a result.

We cannot tolerate this kind of behavior. Miranda has not listened to any of our warning and I need to talk to you (11) ………. . We are considering expelling Miranda, but (12) …………… to talk to you first. On the other hand, her sister Melinda is a delight to teach. We hope that she will continue her studies at Huntley.


Marjorie Bartle Principal

9. Question 9

10. Question 10

11. Question 11

12. Question 12