Help Wanted
Would you like to be a part of the team at Geary’s Supermarket? For 3 decade, Geary’s has been serving the people of estern Nova Scotia. With four stores in the area, we guarantee that our vegetables and fruit are the freshest because we buy only from local growers. Futhermore, we are the only supermarket in the area that has bakeries right in our stores, so you know our pastries are fresh.
The following position are available at our main branch in Amherst:
Day Shift (9 A.M. – 4 P.M.): Cashier (3 openings), Assistant Manager, Butcher
Evening Shift (4P.M. – 11 P.M.): Cashier, Banker
Proper education, certification and a minimum of three years of experience are mandatory for all positions.
To apply for any position listed above, send a cover letter, resume and at least two letters of recommendation to:
Dale McMahn, Manager
Geary’s Supermarket
403 Wilfred Lane
Amherst, NS
M6G 4T2
Resume must be received by September 15. After all resumes are reviewed, Geary’s will contract candidates and arrange interview from September 18-20.
September 11
Rhea Frederic
1512 Emery Street
Halifax, NS
M8R 5W3
Dale McMahn, Manager
Geary’s Supermarket
403 Wilfred Lane
Amherst, NS
M6G 4T2
Dear Mr. McMahn:
I learned of your opening from a friend of mine, David Kilcollin who is employed as the night manager at Geary’s Campbellton City branch.
I would like to submit my enclosed resume for consideration.
For the past eight years, I have been employed as an assistant cook at Almo’s Cafe in donwtown Halifax. I began working here part-time as a server 11 years ago while I was completing a three-year program in banking at Prince William College. Shortly after I graduated, one employee retired, so I was offered a position as an assistant cook. Enclosed, please find one letter of reference from Ms. Janet Rinehold, the owner of Almo’s. I have also enclosed a letter written b Mr. Matthew Broad, Almo’s head cook.
My specialty is strawberry jelly pastries, which have received numerous compliments form both customers and staff. In fact, our strawberry pastry is called the “Rhea”, and is listed as such on our menu.
I would be delighted to move back to Amherst to live with my elderly parents. My mother’s health is not good, and it is getting harder and harder for my father to help her. In addition, my parents live on the same street as your main supermarket, so commuting would be very easy.
I am available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you very much for considering me as an applicant, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Rhea Frederic
How many positions does Geary’s need to fill for the day shift?
What is indicated about Geary’s?
According to the letter, how did Rhea Frederic learn of the job opening?
What positioni is Rhea Frederic most likely apply for?
What is indicated about Rhea Frederic’s parents?
Malcolm International Conference for Software Developers
October 24-26, Golden Jewel Hotel
Schedule for Volunteers at Registration Table
Below is the schedule for all volunteer who will be working at the registration table. Please note that there will be a special meeting on October 23 from 6:00 P.M. All volunteers are asked to attend. The purpose of this meeting is to provide instruction and training for people working at the registration people. The meeting will take place in the auditorium of the Golden Jewel. The registration table will be set up right outside the auditorium.
We ask that volunteers for the morning time slot on the first day of the conference arrive at least 15 minutes early that day to allow time to set up the tables and materials.
If there is any problem, please contact either Miriam Sanderson, head organizer of this event, at, or her assistant, Calvin Meeks,
October 24 |
October 25 |
October 26 |
9:30 A.M to 1:30 P.M. |
Peter SmithEllen Christopher |
Julie LapierreKevin Ryan |
Sandra GarciaAnnette Clark |
1:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. |
Woo-young ChoiJeff Pawsley |
Emilio BernardezBrenda Boyd |
Kaori IsoGregory Woods |
To: Miriam Sanderson <>
From: Calvin Meeks <>
Date/Time: October 22/47:19
Subject: Switch time slots
Hi Miriam,
I just wanted to let you know that I picked upall the name tags at Alfred’s Copy and Print Shop. There are 210 name tags for the attendees. This matches the number of registrants we have on the list that you e-mailed to me this morning. Janet Trafford and I checked all the names to make sure that nobody had been omitted, and that no names had been included twice.
I also received an e-mail just after lunch from Mr. Kevin Ryan. His math midterm exam at Ryers University was supposed to be on October 28, but it has been moved to the morning when he was scheduled to work. I immediately telephoned Ms. Sandra Garcia, who has mentioned that she was available to work any morning, and she told me she does not mind working during that time. Mr. Ryan aslo has no problem with this change. Just to make sure there is no confusion about this, I will make this change to the schdule and make copies to distribute tomorrow evening.
Have a nice evening.
Calvin Meeks
What time are Peter Smith and Ellen Christopher expected to start working?
What is mentioned about Miriam Sanderson?
According to the e-mail, what did Calvin Meeks do earlier today?
Who will Sandra work with at the registration table?
What has been scheduled for October 23?