Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 7

Luyện tập với các mẫu email và thư tín

February 12

Marie-Claude Desjardins

867 Landover Avenue, Apt. 509

Miami, FL 30011

Eric Delgado

1509 Summerhill Drive

Dayton, FL 32300

Dear Mr. Delgato:

I am writing concerning the ongoing problem I and other tenants have had with the elevator in this building. Two years ago, when I signed a rental agreement with you, you informed me that I could contact with any difficulties I may have.There is only one elevator in this apartment building and, unfortunately, it does not work all the time. Climbing the stairs to the 5th floor is very difficult and time-consuming, but I have had to do this quite often lately. Helen Weijs, the lady who lives in apartment 410, informed me that she phoned you about this problem on February 2. The gentleman in apartment 601, Derrick Morley, told me he sent you an e-mail about this situation three days later. However, the elevator has still not been repaired.

Could you please let me know as soon as possible how you intend to handle this situation? I would truly appreciate your response.


Marie-Claude Desjardins
February 17

Eric Delgado

1509 Summerhill Drive

Dayton, FL 32300

Marie-Claude Desjardins

867 Landover Avenue, Apt. 509

Miami, FL 30011

Dear, Ms. Desjardins:

Thank you very much for your letter. I am aware of the problem you mentioned. In fact, I went to your building to examine the elevator the very same day the lady in apartment 410 called me. I contacted Bradley Elevator & Escalator Services, the company that installed the elevator, to request assistance. All their technicians are currently very busy, but they assured me that the repair will be done on February 20.

I apologize for the inconvenience and burden this has caused you and other tenants. In my 15 years as landlord of your apartment building. I have never experienced trouble with the elevator until now. To compensate for this, I will deduct $100 from next month’s rent for all tenants who reside on the second floor or above.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Sincerely yours,

Eric Delgado
1. What is the purpose of the first letter?

2. Why is Ms. Desjardins directing her letter to Mr. Delgado?

3. Why is Ms. Desjardins upset with the situation described in the first letter?

4.  According to the second letter, when did Mr. Delgado look at the elevator?

5. According to the second letter, what will happen next month?

Delbert Restaurant Supplies

1526 Tecumseh Lane

Victoria, BC

V8N 24!

Tel: (809) 466-0921


Invoice Number: 1099-33-6753

Date: May 7

Charged to: Emerson’s Bakery, 302 Fletcher Street, Williamstown, BC, V3P 5T7

Purchase Details:
Product Code Product Type Price for One Unit Number/ Quantity Total Price
BM 109 Brighton brand Ivory-colored coffe mug $11.50 20 $230.00
GB 2318 Mini Grover brand bread slicer $260.00 1 $260.00
LT 936 Lichester brand toaster $195.00 1 $195.00
CC 7122 Coburn brand wooden cutting boards $18.00 3 $54.00
KM 856 Kendrick brand oven mitts $9.50/pair 1 $9.50
Other Notes: All items will be deliverd on May 9. If this date is not convevient, please let us know. Since the total price is over $700.00, there is no delivery fee. If you have any questions, please contact us at the phone number or e-mail provided on this invoice. All questions should be directed to Mr. Robert Brennan, Head of Billing.

Thank you for choosing Delbert!
To: Robert Brennan <>

From: Demi Langille <>

Date/Time: May 10/ 2:35:52

Subject: Confusion with latest order

Hello Robert,

I was not here when our order was delivered because I was taking a course on decorating wedding cakes at Landsdowne Cooking College. One of my employees, Sarah Cummings, informed me that everything was delivered on the date indicated on the invoice. She signed the form that your delivery staff provided to confirm that we had all the items. In the seven years that I have been doing business with your company, no delivery has been late and I thank you for this.

I think somebody made a mistake with the Coburn item. The problem is not related to price but rather shape. The boards I ordered are square, but the ones delivered are round. I prefer the square ones as they are esier to store on our shelves.

Could you please have the correct item sent here as soon as possible? I would truly appreciate it.


Demi Langille, Owner

Emerson’ Bakery
6. What can be inferred about Delbert Restaurant Supplies from the invoice?

7. How much is one Brington coffee mug?

8.  According to the e-mail, why did Demi Langile go to Landsdowne Cooking Colledge? 

9. When were the items delivered to Emerson’s Bakey?

10. Which item is there a problem with?