Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 7

Luyện tập với các mẫu email quảng cáo và thư mời

Ralston Washer & Dryers Online

Big Bargains!

Rasston Washer & Dryers Online is turning 10th on April 4. We’re celebrating with fantastic bargains on popular washers and dryers for the entire month. We’re slashing prices on leading brands like Delco, Tunfair, Smiton and even Flashfox.

DL 7000 Electric Dryer 

This medium-sized Delco clothes dryer is the number one choice of many world-renowned hotels. Its drum is made of durable stainless-steel. This model is only available in white. Regularly $759.000 but on sale for $680.00.

TF 3600 Steam Washer 

This Tunfair model is the biggest washer currently available at Ralston’s. Even the toughest and heaviest grease doesn’t have a chance against the powerful steam-cleaning action of the TF 3600. Regularly $975.00 but on sale for $804.00.

SM 95 Electric Steam Dryer 

This regular-sized Smiton model fuctions similar to a dry-cleaning shop in that it utilizes steam to guarantee that clothes have no unwanted wrinkles. It also has large numbers on all the dials for easy reading. Comes with a five-year waranty. Regular $1,350 but on sale for $1,129.

*Following Flashfox products are shipped free of charge.

FF 200 Front-Load Washer 

This large washer by Flashfox can hold up to 113 liters, so it should be able to wash all your clothes at the same time. Regular $905.60 but on sale for $864.00. As an added incentive, we’re offering a complimentary one-liter bottle of Master liquid detergent.

FF 250 Compact WasherThis washer’s compact size makes it perfect for anyone who lives in tiny apartments. It is so small that many people place it on their kitchen counter tops and hook it up directly to the kitchen sink. It steady cleaning action will get the job done. Regularly $503.50 but on sale for $467.00.
From: dgiberson@quiklymail.comDate: Arpil 11, 10:47:19

Subject: Recent purchase

Dear Eric Laporte:

I am directing this e-mail to you because your name is listed on the Web site as the person to contact in the event that there is a problem with an item.

I had two surprises yesterday concerning your tiem. The first was when Ralston’s delivery man handed me a bill for $63.50 for delivery. I insisted that there had been an error because this particular model was clearly marked as a free-delivery item which was included in the 10th anniversary sale. In fact, I placed my order on the exact date of Ralston’s 10th anniversary. My online account records will confirms this.

The second surprise occurred when I asked about the bottle of liquid detergent. The delivery man was not aware of the fact that I am entitled to receive one.

Attached to this e-mail is a scanned copy of the receipt for $63.50. I would appreciate you contactin me right away about getting my money back and sending me my free gift. You may either respond to this e-mail or phone me at (312) 4538-7510 as soon as possible.

I truly appreciate your assistance in clearing up this matter.

Dieane Giberson
1. What is being promoted in the advertisment?

2. What is true about the advertised Tunfair model?

3. What product did Ms. Giberson probably purchase?

4. According to the e-mail, when did Ms. Giberson place her order?

5. What does Ms. Giberson ask the customer complaints section to do?

25th Annual Awards Dinner

Marksdale Provincial Book Publishers Association

Dear Mr. Vautour:

You are cordially invited to the 25th Annual Awards Dinner hosted by the Marksdale Provincial Book Publishers Association (MPBPA) on Thursday, July 27, from 7:30 to 9:00. The dinner will be held in the Chalmers Ballroom of the Golden Ring Hotel.

The evening’s activities will commerce with short welcoming remarks by Mr. Edward Rhinelander, MPBPA president. At 7:45, Ms. Cecilia Thatchford will receive an award forhaving the only best-selling book this year that was written by an MPBPA member. Following that, the remaining awards will be presented for best writers in various novel genres such as fiction, romance and mystery. At 8:30, commemorative pens will be presented to MPBPA members who have been with the organization for 20 years.

If you would like to attend, please contact either Gregory Pitts in our Simmonds branch office at (416) 511-6362 or Miyuki Sato in our Burlington branch office at (416) 703-4901 no later than July 20.

Thank you and we hope to see you at the dinner.
From: Linda Fitzpatrick <>

To: Gregory Pitts <>

Date/Time: July 21/14:35:07

Subject: Gifts for awards dinner

Dear Gregory,

I would like to inform you that our order for 32 gold-colored pens has been confirmed. I just received a letter and confirmation slip from Sandra Jackson, assistant manager of Molly’s House of Gifts where the pens are being made.

The name of each recipent is one side of each pen, and on the other side is the message “For 20 Years of Dedicated Service”. Ms. Jackson has assured me that the pens will be delivered to the Golden Ring Hotel by 4:00 on the day when the dinner will be held. Reynold’s Courier, the most reliable courier company in this are, will deliver them, and Ms. Jill Sanders, general manager of the Golden Ring, will sign for the order herself.

I will also fax a copy of the confirmation form and letter to Miyuki Sato, so that she can keep up with what is happening here in our Simmonds office.


Linda Fitzpatrick, General Secretary

Marksdale Provincial Book Publishers Association
6. What happened to Cecilia Thatchoford this year?

7. How many writers will be honored at 8:30?

8. What is suggested about the MPBPA?

9. What is NOT stated about the commemorative gifts?

10.  In the e-mail, what does Linda Fitzpatrick offer to do?