Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 7

Luyện tập với các mẫu email, quảng cáo và bảng biểu

Anev Battery

With over 200 factories across the globe, Anve is the world’s second-largest producer of batteries. Bulgaria-based Aneve is owned by Bogdanov Electronics, Europe’s leading maker of portable MP3 players and CD players. The owners of Anev Battery are delighted to announce that a new Anve factory is scheduled to open on August 16 in the southeast section of Los Angeles. Executives at Anev hope the new factory will produce at least 300,000 rechargeable AA bateries daily.

Employment opportunities are available in the specializations listed below.
  • Management Opportunities
Recruiter: Ms. Sandra Lopez ( – Product Development/General Maintenance

Recruiter: Mr. David Mercer ( -Research/Marketing
  • Entry–level Opportunities
Recruiter: Mr. Alfredo Sanchez ( – Shipping/Orders/Factory Labor

Recruiter: Ms. Louisa Garcia ( – Date Input/Customer Service

Interested in individuals can apply by e-mailing their resumes to the respective recruiter. Please include the term “employment opportunity” in the subject line. The deadline for application is July 21 and interviews will be held between July 26 and 31.

Anev will notify you by August 3 if you have been accepted for a managerial position and by August 7 for entry-level work. Previous experience in the field is mandatory for all managerial work.
To: Mr. David Mercer <>

From: Gordon McNamara <>

Subject: Employment opportuinity

Date: July 19

Dear Mr. Mercer,

I noticed your employment advertisment in the L.A Herald and would like to submit my attached resume for consideration.

After graduating from San Jose University with a degree in chemistry, I obtained a position as a lab assistant at Letson Electronics in San Jose. My main duties included keeping records of all data related to experiments and participating in projects linked to the development of new electronic products. I worked there for seven years until last month. While employed at Letson, I learned skills such as using data management software and analyzing figures. During my final year at Letson, I lead two projects connected to Letson latest MP3 model, Smooth Trak.

I feel that my knowledge and background in this area would prove beneficial to Anev.

If you require any more information or would like to meet me in person, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your attention and effort.


Gordon McNamra
1. When will the company make decisions about whom to hire?

2. What is NOT true about Anev Battery?

3. What qualifications does Mr. McNamara NOT indicate in the e-mail?

4. In the e-mail, the word “linked” in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to:

5. Which department is Mr. McNamara most likely applying to?

Lindstrom Lawn Care Recruiting Agency

Record of Work Hours for Fourth Week of September

Name of Employee: Marilyn Frazier

Employee number: 309-5432-876
Date Location Type of Labor Time Worked Total Hours for day
Monday, September 26 Davis Street Hospital Lawn morning 10:00 to 12 noon12:30 to 2:00 3.5
Wednesday, September 28 Ralston Insurance Raking and picking up leaves, general yard cleaning 9:30 to 12:00 noon12:30 to 3:00 5.0
Thursday, September 29 Mary’s Souvenir Shop Planting and watering flowers lawn morning 11:00 to 12:301:00 to 2:00 2.5
Friday, September 30 George Meredith’s residence Digging flower bed, planting seeds 11:00 to 12:00 noon12:30 to 4:00 4.5

Total hours for week: 15.5

From: Darin Nicholas <>

To: Marilyn Frazier <>

Date/Time: October 3/1:57:16

Subject: Last pay record submitted

Hello Marilyn,

I thought you would like to know that I received a phone call this morning from Kevin O’Connell, the senior agent at Ralston Insurance. Mr. O’Connell was very impressed with the excellent work you did at his company last week. He said he couldn’t remember the last time that the grounds were so neat and beautiful.

That also brings me to my next point. Mr. O’Connell informed me that a big wind had knocked donw many huge limbs off an elm tree the day before you worked at his company. This created much extra cleaning work for you because the lawn was covered with broken branches. Mr. O’Connell said that he asked you to continue working until everything was cleared from the yard. He went outside to speak with you brieftlyjust as you were about to leave few minutes past 3:00.

Did you work an hour longer that day but forget record it? Please revise your pay record and e-mail it back to me by tomorrow.


Darin Nicholas
6.  What does information in the work record suggest about Ms. Frazier?

7. According to the e-mail, for which day did Ms. Frazier incorrectly record her work hours?

8. Who most likely is Mr. Nocholas?

9. In the e-mail, the word “informed” in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to

10. What does Mr. Nicholas ask Ms. Frazier to do?