Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 6

Luyện tập với các mẫu báo cáo


Board of Directors and Stockholders

Prime Services, Inc.

We have audited the financial statements (listed in Appendix A) of Prime Services, Inc. for the period last year. THe financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on (1)……….. financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we (2)……….. and perform the audti to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prime Services, Inc. for the period mentioned above and (3)……….. with generally accepted accounting principles.

Sheridan & Spencer

Manchester, Uk

March 15



City Bus Fare

Regular Fare $1.00

To be paid to the driver at the time of boarding.

Transfer $0.25

Transfer allow the passenger to continue on one additional bus. Issued at the time of boarding only. Cannot be used for return fare.

Children 5 and under Free (1)……….. accompanied by fare-paying adult

Children 6-12 $0.50

Senior citizens $0.50

Halfpass cards provide discounted fare to individual over the age of 60 from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and after 7 P.M. from Monday to Friday, as well as day on Saturday and Sunday. Customers must show their Halfpass Card upon boarding. Cards are free andmay be obtained at the City Transit office upon presenting proper (1)……….. .

Weekday Pass

Allow unlimited bus rides from Monday to Friday. Passes provide an average discount of 15% off the (1)……….. fare.

Summer Pass

Offers unlimited trips to individual aged 13 to 19 during June, July and August. Discounted price is $16.00 per month.




Getting a good night’s sleep may have surprising benefits, (7)……….. adding up to six years to your life. This and other results of the National Sleep Center’s decade-long study of the effects of sleep deprivation on adults (8)……….. yesterday at a press conference by Margaret Norwood, the research scientist who headed the study. Dr. Norwood stressed that “getting adequate sleep is not a luxury, it is (9)……….. to proper brain functioning. People who sleep well show greatly enhanced mood, improved memory, and better job performance and are significantly less likely to be involved in accidents.”

Dr. Hugh Weatley, the director of the center, agred to state that, while individuals do vary in their need for sleep, “most adults require one  hour of sleep for evry two hours of wakefulness”. He suggested taht individuals determine their own requirements by sleeping for the amount of time they think they need for a week.



Business Name Statements

A business owner must register the name of a new business with the county clerk prior to conducting business. Registrants must first ensure that the name they have selected is not already in use. This can be accomplished by visting the county clerk’s office or by (10)……….. the list of registered business names on the county clerk’s web site. The Business Name Statement must be completed in full, including the address and telephone number of the business owner. Statements must then be brought to the county clerk’s office to be recorded and filed.

State law requires the registrant to publish the Business Name Statement within 30 days in a newspaper that serves the county (11)……….. the business is located.

A Business Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed. A new Business Name Statement must be submitted to the county clerk before that time, but it need not be published.

The (12)……….. fee for registering a business is $10, payable by check or money order.

Subsequent Statements must be accompanied by a $5 payment seen in the attached example.

