Plastic Plant to Open in Anorark Country
May 14, Spring field – Alliance Plastics Ltd., one of the nation’s largest plastics manufacturers, announced the opening of a new production plant in the Southwood Industrial Park in Anorak Country.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 25,000 square-foot plant (1)………. place at the end of June, although most of the equipment needed for operations will be installed over the next two weeks, a company spokesperson said.
(2)………. 30 years ago, Alliance Plastics produces almost 50 million plastic drink bottles annually for major beverage bottlers and distributors in North American and Europe.
‘‘We anticipate increased (3)………. for plastic bottles due to the ever-increasing number of beverage companies opening in new markets and see this as a long-term trend,’’ said Regional Manager Bertha Coles.
August 11
John Park, Supervisor
Fire Department Local 17
1317 Queen Street
Vancouver, M6T 4L7
Dear Mr. Park,
In response to your request for assistance, the Vancouver City Firefighting Council has decided to provide five temporary firefighters wo will be available starting August 14.
We understand that you are currently short-staff-ed and need time to review resumes and conduct interviews before hiring more firefighters. For this reason, fire firefighters form Vancouver’s Central Department on Lancaster Avenue will be employed at your department (4)………. the last half of August.
Even though these five are (5)………. employees at your department, they require no training on your part. I can assure you that they are fully certified and experienced. We hope that hiring decisions concerning full-time employees (6)………. by your department sometime soon.
We trust this satisfies your current needs. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office again/
Lillian Sanchez, Assistant Director
Vancouver City Firefighting Council
Beginning August 6, the Rutherford Art Gallery will feature 20 paintings by local artist, Graham Wheaton. The pieces, all done in water colors, depict the beautiful lakes, mountains and (7)………. landscape scenes aroudn the region of Kentville.
This fantastic (8)………. has been appropriately titled Beautiful Kentville. The gallery will also be showing a 15-minute video presentation about Graham Wheaton’s life and the inspriration behind his creations. Beautiful Kentville (9)………. on October 14, but Mr. Wheation is currently preparing addtional paintings that will be exhibited at the Rtherford Art Gallery early next year. Admission to Beautiful Kentville is $12.50 for members and $16.00 for non-members.
Researchers Seek to Identify Effects of Meditation
It is a common belief (10)………. meditation boosts both an individual’s energy level and power of concentration. Is this a fact or simply an opinion ? A recent study involving 20 students was carried out to ascertain if such (11)………. have sciencific merit.
Since none of the students had note ever mediated, the researchers instruction in basis technique. After that, students performed tasks like consuming caffeine, exercising, napping or mediating for a period of half an hour. The reseachers discovered that the subjects were the most (12)………. and alert after mediating. The study therefore proved that meditation enhances alertness more efficiently than exercise, caffeine or sleep.