Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 7

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About Art WorldArt World is the number one magazine for art lovers in England’s Birmingham District. Ever since the first issue was published in 1988, it has enjoyed a hug circulation and has won nine national prizes for having the best feature articles on a variety of subjects. This magazine is a must-read for any local art lover.
  • Special Features
Every issue comes with interviews and features on a variety of local artists from painters to photographers and sculptors. Readers can also enjoy the latest reviews of gallery exhibits. Each review examines both the creative and business aspects of any exhibit.
  • Event Listing
One very unique feature that Art World offers is a detailed listing of art-related events in and around Birmingham. On the last two pages of each issue, readers can learn about all types of upcoming and ongoing local events like art shows, drawing contests, exhibits and even art-related classes and community projects.
  • Art World Competitions
Art World hosts both monthly and yearly completions for those who enjoy drawing, painting and photography. Winner will have their work published in Art World and can also receive discounts on the cost of materials at McMurray Arts, Birmingham’s largest art supply store.
  • Subscribe Today
If you live in Birmingham and would like to keep up with what’s happening in the world of local art, Art World is for you. This magazine is nicely designed and contains beautiful illustrations and photographs. In addition, you can receive it monthly for only £21 a year. The price of a single issue is £4 in bookstores but by subscribing, you can save more than £2 on each issue. So what are you waiting for? Go to and subscribe today.
August 6

Joan Nelson, Editor-in-Chief

Art World

136 Lawson Avenue

Birmingham, B2, HMQ

Dear Ms. Nelson,

I have been a subscriber to Art World ever since the magazine was established. I still have all the issues and never tire of reading the excellent articles and stories again and again. You and your staff are doing an excellent job.

Last month, I was delighted to learn about a sculpting that was being held by the Grover Community Center here in Birmingham from a notice in July’s issue of Art World. The deadline for entering the contest was the last day of July, and yesterday I received an e-mail informing me that my entry won second place.

I would not have heard of the competition had it not been for your magazine. Birmingham needs more local magazines like yours enrich its unique cultural flavor.

Sincerely yours,

Marcus Gordon
1. What is the advertisement for?

2. In the advertisement, the word “examines” underlined in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

3. What is NOT true about Art World magazine?

4. Why did Marcus Gordon write the letter to Joan Nelson?

5. What section of Art World is Marcus Gordon referring to in his letter?

To: Jeff Stagg <>

From: Keiko Aoki <>

Date/Time: September 24/10:35:44

Re: New data research program

Dear Mr. Stagg:

As Head of Data Management here at Sato Industries, I am always looking for high-quality software programs that will allow my division to organize our information easily and efficiently. The other day, a friend of mine who works at GloTech’s market research office in Osaka told me about one of your programs his company uses. Apparently, this program, called Sort Right, is very easy to install and can generate a variety of charts. In my department, we have to use graphs practically every day so we need an easy-to-use program.

We would be delighted if a representative from Winston Software could visit us and show us how this program works. Sato’s research staff will be starting a huge new project on October 2, so we hope to arrange a demonstration of Sort Right before the end of the month.

Please let me know if this is possible. Thank you very much and I hope to hear for you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Keiko Aoki
To: Keiko Aoki <>

From: Jeff Stagg <>

Date/Time: September 24/2:01:53

Re: re: New data research program

Dear Ms. Aoki

Thank you very much for your e-mail and for your interest in our software. The program you mentioned has been very popular. In fact, its total sales for this month are 11% higher than last month. Everyone here in my sales department is, of course, very excited about this.

We would also be delighted to provide a demonstration. In fact, one of our sales representatives, Irene Goodine, resides just three blocks from your company and knows exactly where your office is located. In addition, Ms. Goodine has been working in our sales department for 15 years and so is very familiar with all our software. I have already spoken to Ms. Goordine about this matter, and she would be delighted to visit Sato Industries on September 28 anytime between 9:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. Please let me know a convenient time.

Again, thank you very much. We hope that Winston Software and Sato Industries will develop healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

Sincerely yours,

Jeff Stagg, Director of Sales

Winston Software
6.  In what department does Ms. Aoki work?

7. What is the main purpose of the first e-mail?

8. In the first e-mail, the word “generate” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

9. What might Ms. Goodine do on September 28 at Sato Industries?

10.  What is implied about Winston Software?