Royal Carpet Cleaners
We have been cleaning carpets all over the Toronto, Hamilton and Oakvile areas since 1994 so you can trust us to do a great job. The Durham Regional Board of Health has awarded us the “Best Cleaner’s Award” eight times, which says a great deal about the quality of our work.
Here’s how we work:
Once our professional trained, certificated technicans arrive at your home, they will inspect your carpet carefully. Then, a special carpet cleaning solution is sprayed deep down into the carpet fibers. This loosens the ddep, embedded dirt. Next, the dirt is extracted using a specially-designed high-powered vaccum. Finally, a cleaning solution is applied again leaving your carpet complete clean.
For best result, we recommend having your carpet cleaned at least three times per year. We have two service options:
Option AFor $120, we will clean your carpet one time. If you are satified and would like to continue to receive services from Royal Carpet Cleaners, you may then move on to Option B.
Option BFor $300, we will provide three carpet cleanings throughout thr course of a year. You have the choice ofpaying the entire $300 up front or paying $100 for each separate cleaning.
Call us (905)-457-3234 or send an e-mail to Rod Clayborne at
Date/Tiem: April 26 / 11:57:12
To: Rod Clayborne (
From: Annie Langlais (
Subject: Tomorrow’s cleaning
Hello, Rod.
I just want to remind you that Royal is scheduled to arrive at our office at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon to clean the carpet in our waiting area. When your technicans move the furniture to clean, please tell them to be more careful this time. During the first cleaning four months ago, a lovely vase was cracked.
Also, I will not be here as I have to attend a meeting for all financial directors at Busker Insuarance. However, my assistant, Dirk Manson, will be here in case your technicans have any questions. Also, we paid $100 for the first cleaning by check, but Dirk will be paying cash this time. As before, please provide an official receipt immediately upon payment.
Thank you.
Annie Langglais.
What is mentioned about Royal Carpet Cleaners?
What will the technicans do before cleaning the carpet?
In the e-mail, what is indicated about Busker Insurance?
What is one purpose of the e-mail?
What does Ms. Langlais mention about Dirk Manson?
To: Jamal Smith (
From: Anita Kobayashi (
Date: May 16
Subject: upcoming coference
I’m a writer for Water Life, a sciencific journal dedicated to all fields of research related to ocean science. I’m e-mailing regarding the International Conference for Global Oceanographers on July 23 at the Global Sea Institute in Florida.
I would like to report on many presentations included in your tentative schedule. Unfortunately, since I will be flying from Paris to my home in Chicago on the same day as the conference, I cannot attend it.
It is my understanding that for previous conference, arragements were in place that allowed journalist to participate in the Q&A sessions by telephone following the presentations. I would really appreciate it if you could provide instructions as to how I should make that call. On that particular day, Iwill have access to a telephone from 12:00 noon which is 1:00 P.M Atlantic Time.
Below is a list of the four presentations that I most interested in:
– The Indian Ocean’s Biochemical Cycles
– The Impact of Atmospheric Pressure on Oceans
– Preservation of South Ameriaca’s Aquatic Mammals
– Recent Discoveries in Underwater Plant Life
Thank you very much for your assistance.
To: Anita Kobayashi (
From: Jamal Smith (
Date: May 17
Re: upcoming conference
Dear Ms. Kobayashi,
Any reporters who cannot come here to Miami for the International Conference for Global Oceangraphers can certainly listen to all talks and take part in the Q&A sessions via conference calls.
To make arrangements, please choose one of the following two methods:
1. Call the service center for conference calls about minutes before a talk is scheduled to begin. The number is 808-777-6541.
2. When asked for a conference code, enter 122 147.
3. After you hear a short beep sound, enter the three-digit session number that corresponds to the presentation you would like to hear. Immediately after you have entered that number, your connection will be complete.
Or you may also select this option:
1. About 10 minutes before a talk is scheduled to begin, phone our front desk at 619-778-3902.
2. Let the operator know the title of the talk you would like to hear and you will be connected right away.
We recently finalized our presentation schedule. Below, please find the schedued times and session numbers for the presentations that you indicated. Please remember that the times are Atlantic Time.
425. The Indian Ocean’s Biochemical Cycles |
10:15 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. |
427. The Impact of Atmospheric Pressure on Oceans |
1:15 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. |
456. Recent Discoveries in Underwater Plant Life |
2:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. |
471. Preservation of South Ameriaca’s Aquatic Mammals |
4:00 P.M to 5:00 P.M |
Please feel free to contact me again if you require more assistance.
Who most likely is Ms Kobayashi?
Where is Global Sea Institute located?
In the first e-mail, the word “arrangements” in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to
What information is NOT required if Ms. Kobayshi wants to talk to the operator?
Which talk will Ms. Kobayashi probably be unable to hear?