September 4
Hampstead Gleaner
LeBeau Designers, the most popular hair design center in Paris, France, with a regular clientele of more than 1,200 has an opening for a stylist.
The idea candicate :
– Can speak two or more languages as we have foreign clients.
– Has completed at leat two years of relevant training at a certified college.
– Worked in the industry for at least three years.
– Is friendly and has fantastic social skills.
Duties :
– Provding clients with the most up-to-date hair care services such as cuts, coloring and perms
– Leading two training workshops for colleagues each year
– Keeping records of all appointments and cancellations
– Covering other appointments in case of any unexpected absence
– Participating in at least three training courses every year.
If you feel you are qualified, send your resume to Mr. Claude Gagnon, chief stylist, at before September 12. Anyone selected for an interview will be notified on September 14 and interviews will be held from September 16 to 21. Candicates will be required to present a recent letter of reference at the interview.
From : Amita Raju (
To : Claude Gagnon (
Date/Time : September 10 / 9 :03 :35
Subject : Stylist positon
Dear Mr. Gagnon :
I saw your ad in the Hampstead Gleaner and would like to submit my attached resume for consideration.
After completing a three-year styling program at London’s Design Academy in 2002, I began my career at Bruno’s Hair & Perms on Slater Street in Manchester. After completing a mandatory six-month period as a styling assistant, I then became a full-time stylist and have held that position for the past four years. My supervisor, Jacqueline Dion, has provided me with a recommendation attesting to my outgoing and friendly personality and commitment to porfeesionalism.
I am currently on holiday until the end of the month, and am therefore available for an interview at the time indicated. In fact, I will be visiting two sisters living on St. Germain Street, just a few blocks east of your place of business, next week. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone at 01227 854029 or email at
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I hope to hear from you very soon.
Sincerely yours,
Amita Raju
What is stated about LeBeau Designers ?
What is NOT a specified duty of a stylist ?
What job qualification did Amita Raju NOT refer to in her e-mail ?
What is suggested about Amita Raju ?
What is stated about Jacqueline Dion ?
Date/Time : July 29 / 16 : 02 : 46
To : Excel Shoppers (
From : Brian Dugan (
Subject : Problem with order
A package and a receipt form your online market were left this morning at the front desk on the first floor of the condominium where I reside at 415 Aberdeen Street. The woman at the front desk gave the items to me when I returned about 10 minutes ago. The order number on the receipt is 109-804. I opened the package to find the box of 20 green tea bags that I had ordered, but the other item was not inside. According to the receipt, the total for both items is $14.20 and that amount was billed to my credit card yesterday.
According to your Web site, if an item is not delivered within two days after being ordered, I am entitled to receive a free coupon valued at $10.00. Tomorrow is Thursday, which means that it will have been three days since I placed the order.
Could you please e-mail me or call me at (813) 577-3501 as soon as possible concerning this matter ?
Brian Dugan
Date/Time : July 29 : 17 :15 :23
To : Brian Dugan (
From : Excel Shoppers (
Subject : re : Problem with order
Dear Mr. Dugan :
On behalf of Excel Shoppers, please accept my apologies. Yes, we delivered the tea, but there was some confusion with the pair of brown Glostec gloves you requested.
Another customer whose family name is also ‘‘Dugan’’ lives at 527 Aberdeen Street bedide Belleview Park, which is not too far from where you reside. The gloves were placed in his package along with several other items he had ordered such as books and chocolate candy. We were not aware of the mistake until the delivery person returned late yesterday afternoon and we checked his records.
We will deliver the item to your home before 12 :00 noon tomorrow along with the coupon that you are entitled to receive.
Again, please accept my apologies and I hope you will continue doing business with us.
Pamela Winston, Orders Department
Excel Shoppers
What information does Brian Dugan not provide in the e-mail to Excel Shoppers ?
In the first e-mail, the word ‘‘billed’’ in paragraph 1, line 5, is closest in meaning to
What does Excel Shoppers guarantee ?
What item did Brian Dugan not receive ?
When will Excell Shoppers dediver the item to Brian Dugan ?