From: Andrea Piercy <>
To: Eric Melanson <>
Date/Time: July 7/10:46:21
Hello Eric,
This is Andrea Piercy, head of the Kreigher Appliances Ltd. customer service center in Boston. We met last month at the company outing near Malton Lake, just east of New Jersey.
I’m e-mailing you with regards to complaints we have received from consumers about a problem with the latest washing machine model, the Stirmaster 500. In particular, the automatic spin function does not start after the wash cycle is complete. As a result, the users have to start the spin function manually by pressing the spin button.
We have received over 30 phone calls about this and almost the same number of e-mails. Kreigher has not had any major problems with its products since the company first opened its doors 15 years ago, so hopefully this issue will not hurt our sales.
Since you are head of production, I ask you to take steps immediately to rectify this situation. I also ask that you keep me imformed of any developments in this matter.
Andrea Piercy
From: Eric Melanson <>
To: Andrea Piercy <>
Date/Time: July 7/11:25:04
Subject: re: Latest washing machine
Hi Andrea,
Yes, I am aware of the promblem you explained. Richard Gorham, head of manufacturing at our Seoul factory, sent me an e-mail yesterday about the exact same matter. A small mechanism inside the washer seems to e the cause of the problem. Kreigher’s headquarters in Miami decided to use the less expensive plastic inthis mechanism rather than costly metal. We have used plastic for a similar mechanism in our vacuum cleaners and never experienced any problems. Vaccum cleaners, however, operate for very short times compared to washing machine. Apparently, it was a mistake to ignore this fact.
By simply replacing that plastic part with a strong mental one, we can repair the washer easily. Of course, this requires sending maintenance workers to private homes. Fortunately, Kreigher has a maintenance center in almost every major city where our products are sold, so we’re advising consumers to contact the center nearest them concerning the problem. I will fax our list of maintenance centers and the phone numbers to your office so you can advise consumers accordignly.
We hope to have all the repairs done before the end of the month. I will keep you updated on our progess.
Sincerely yours,
Eric Melanson
Why did Ms. Piercy write to Mr. Melanson?
In what area does Mr. Melanson work?
What is NOT indicated about Kreigher Appliances Ltd.?
What does Mr. Melanson note about the Stirmaster 500?
In the first e-mail, the word “hurt” in paragraph 3,line 3, is closest in meaning to
Frazierville Town Board of Development (FTBD)
The applicant listed belwo requests a permit to install one or more elevators in a building situated within Frazierville town limits.
Elevator Location: Rockwood Tower
Address: 33 Elm Street, Frazierville, E3J 5R7
Number of Elevators in Building: 4
Maximum Weight Elevator can hold: 1,500 kg
Scheduled Inspection Date: March 1
If the facility is found to be satisfactory , the permitwill be issued by: March 10
Name/Address of Manufacturer: Delbert Elevator & Lifts Inc., 1429 Johnson Avenue, Glocester
City, ON, E4R 2S9
Name of Supervisor: Mr. Amar Lolovic
Contact Telephone Number: (413) 851-0266
The following information must be submitted with the application:
– Two additional photocopies of this form.
– A blueprint of the building drawn to exact scale
– A check payable to the Frazier Town Board of Development in the amount of $165.
– A signed agreement between the contractor and the building management to conduct regular maintenance on the elevator(s) at least 4 times per year
Important: The following document(s) must be presented at the time of inspection
– Official invoices from the suppliers of all materials purchased and used in the construction of the elevator(s). Only original documents will be accepted, not copies.
To: Elizabeth Christensen <>
From: Amar Lolovic <>
Date: February 24, 9:34 A.M.
Re: Request
Dear Ms. Christensen:
I am contacting you to request the official invoice for the materials that Delbert purchased from Marsden Elevators Parts on the 27th of last month. The materials were delivered to my company, Delbert Elevator & Lifts. Inc., on February 2, but we have not yet received the billing statement. I am aware that we have a large amount of credit in our account with your company and we don’t have to make any payment at this time. However, I do need to receive the invoice by February 28 at the latest in order to present it during an official inspection.
Please mail the document to my company’s headquarters at 1429 Johnson Avenue, Glocester City, ON, E4R 2S9.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Amar Lolovic
What is the application for?
What information is indicated in the application?
Who most likely is Elizabeth Christensen?
What can be inferred about Delbert Elevators & Lifts?
When will Mr. Lolovic need the document that he requested from Ms. Christensen?