Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 7

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Claybourne Daily Herald

Octorber 12

Fineheart to Expand Overseas

Omar Broad, president and CEO of Fineheart Ice Cream, announced  this morning that the company will soon have a new factory in Paris, France. Speaking form corporate headquarters in downtown Hamilton, Mr. Broad stated that the grand opening of its newest factory is scheduled  for February 25.

Fineheart celebrated its 39th anniversary last month. Founded by the late Manford Trafford, the company started out as a small shop in Vancouver. Within 10 years, the company had branches all over Canada and the headquarters was moved to Hamilton as it was closer to the largest number of its retailers in Toronto and Montreal. Although Fineheart has two factories in New York and one in Buenos Aires, the Paris factory will be the first of its kind in Europe. Mr.Broad is optimistic that Paris will be successful, “People all ove the world like ice cream so there is no reason for our company to fail in Europe,” Broad commented. “Also, our company already has representatives in Shanghai, where we hope to open an Asian Branch within the next two years.”

Within that same time frame, the company will also diversity its products and add 10 new flavors to its selection. To learn more about its customers’ needs, Fineheart will hire at least 200 additional market researchers to help conduct feedback surveys over the next six months.

Mr. Broad will attend the grand opening after giving a presentation at the annual food producers’ conference in Montreal on February 23.
December 19

Mr. Omar Broad, President and CEO

Fineheart Ice Cream

Hamilton, ON, MBG 3T7

Dear Mr. Broad:

I was truly delighted with your offer to be Head of Production at your newest factory and gladly accept the position. As you know, my contract here at Pronto Cookies, Ltd. Ends on January 29 so I will be able to begin working for your company when the new factory opens. I am planning to relocate overseas before the middle of February.

Ever since I took over as Assistant Head of Production here in Buenos Aires five years ago, I have been busy trying to handle all the orders. However, it is a very challenging job that I truly enjoy.

Again, thank you very much and I look forward to seeing you at the grand opening.

Sincerely yours,

Marie Dupont
1. In the report, the word “scheduled” in paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to 

2. When was Fineheart Ice Cream founded?

3. What is NOT mentioned as part of the company’s plans for the next two years?

4. What did Marie Dupont do five years ago?

5. Where will Marie Dupont see Omar Broad?


Business Name:  Galerson Shipping Inc.

Mailing Address: 809 Birchwood Lane, Hawthorne, New York 10033

Phone: (703) 599-6233

Item Product code Cost & Quantity Total Number Price
Medium-Sized Heavy Duty Cardboard Boxes W-811 $13.50/set of 5 1 set $13.50
Large White Bubble Envelopes W-319 $55.00/set of 300 1 set $55.00
White Labels W-773 $25.50/set of 400 1 set $25.50
Large Roll of Extra-Strong Brown Wrapping Paper W-194 $79.50/roll 2 rolls $159.00
TOTAL (Before taxes): $253.00

Date of Order: July 24         Your name: Raoul Bixby

Credit Card Type: Flexo Card        Number on Credit Card: 807-6188-5400
From: Margaret O’Donnel <>

To: Raoul Bixby <>

Date/Time: July 25/11:09:37

Dear Mr. Bixby:

We at Wentworth truly appreciate your patronage over the past two years. Thank you very much for selecting us again.

This is a great time to order cardboard boxes because we are currently offering  a two-for-one deal on this particular item. Until next Monday, July 31, purchase any set of five cardboard boxes and receive a second set free.

Although we had intended to send your entire order this afternoon, I have just heard that we currently do not have product W-319 in stock. We are expecting a big shipment of this item on the morning of Friday, July 28, but since that is a few days from now, I will ship the rest of the items this afternoon as planned. The one remaining item will arrive at your place of business before 10:30 on Friday morning.

If you would like to discuss this matter with me further, please feel free to do so either by replying to this e-mail or phoning me at (703( 560-4629.

We apologize for any unnecessary inconvenience this situation may cause. Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.

Sincerely yours,

Margaret O’Donnel, Shipping Supervisor

Wentworth Supplies Ltd.
6. What kind of business does Mr. Bixby probably work for?

7. How much is one roll of wrapping paper that Mr. Bixby has ordered?

8.  What is mentioned about bubble envelopes?

9. What will Mr. Bixby find in the first shipment?

10. What is NOT a purpose of the e-mail?