Theft at Work: Results of a Survey of 100 Office Workers (Workers aged 25-35)
Source: Survey and Polling Institute of New York
Theft at Work
According to a recent survey, a majority of workers don’t consider taking paper and pens home from work to be stealing. The Survey and Polling Institute of New York interviewed one hundred office workers aged 25-35. All of the workers had been at their current place of employment for at least 2 years. All workers were working full time. “I don’t steal. I’m not a thief,” says one man who has been working for his company for five years, “Sometimes I take office supplies home… but that is different from stealing.” He said that he usually gave paper and pens to his children for school homework. “I work hard for this company, and I think the office supplies are a perk of the job. Anyway, I often use the pens to do extra work at home, too. Do I really need to buy pens just to do company work at home? I don’t think so.” According to the chart above, only 8 percent of people think that taking pens and pencils from work is stealing. This means that 92 percent don’t think of it as theft. In the same group, only 20 percent said that taking desktop items like staplers and memo holders was stealing. 80 percent did not consider it wrong. However, 90 percent said that taking computer accessories like a mouse or a keyboard was wrong. They said that taking cheap items was OK. This 90 percent of workers said they often took items that cost less than $5, but anything that cost more than $10 was too expensive. 10 percent didn’t see a problem with it.

Which type of category is the theft related to?
According to the information above, taking which item would most likely be considered theft?
According to the chart, which items are employees likely to take home from work most often?
How many people took part in the survey?
How expensive were the items most workers took home?
Survey: Destination Preferences of 500 Potential Customers
Sunshine Holidays Marketing Division
Table of Results (to be posted in staff room of all branches)
Italy |
France |
England |
Spain |
20-29 |
17 |
30 |
20 |
43 |
30-39 |
14 |
34 |
23 |
29 |
40-49 |
20 |
37 |
24 |
19 |
50-59 |
21 |
32 |
23 |
24 |
60-70 |
20 |
30 |
30 |
20 |
Research conducted March 22nd
To: All Branch Managers
From: Sunshine Holidays Marketing Division
Re: Customer Preferences: Competition
As a result of recent research, we have decided to launch a staff competition.
500 British people were recently surveyed by Sunshine Holidays about their vacation plans for the coming summer. 100 people in each of five different age ranges were surveyed. They were asked to indicate which countries they planned to visit out of four possible choices. The choices given were Italy, France, Britain, and Spain. It seems that as they get older, people tend to choose not to travel overseas. As we can see from the table, the older participants chose Britain as their first choice to visit. When asked about this choice, they gave several reasons, including fears about health problems and access to medical care, worries about communicating in a foreign language, and the desire to spend time with their grandchildren during the school vacations. The youngest group of participants chose Spain as their favorite. They said it was because of Spain’s reputation as a fun and lively place with beautiful beaches. However, overall, France was the most popular destination for all age groups. This is because of its close location to Britain.
We want to increase the number of older customers visiting Spain (target A), and the number of younger visitors traveling within Britain (target B). For this reason, we are launching a staff competition. Please submit your ideas to increase the number of customers in either target group A or target group B. The two lucky winners will win an all-expenses paid trip to Bermuda.
What were the people surveyed about?
What is the purpose of this memo?
Which country was the most popular with all age groups?
Which country was the most popular with people in their twenties?
How many people in their sixties were interviewed?