To: John Andersen, Andersen Components
From: Max Green, Herbert Rails
Re: Cancellation of order
Date: March 23nd
Dear John,
I have bad news, I’m afraid. We are going to have to cancel the order for the 5000m of electric cables, 5000 nuts and bolts, and the 50 bolt cutters which was placed yesterday morning. We had expected to be awarded a contract to lay rails for a new private railway, but at the last minute, they gave the contract to someone else. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What is the purpose of this fax?
What had Herbert Rails expected to receive?
Which of the following can be inferred from the fax?
NOTICE: To all patrons of the Blue Wave Fitness Center
The manager would like members to note that the Blue Wave Fitness Center is not liable for any items left in the coin lockers. Should you lose anything from the locker, we regret that we will be unable to assist you any way. Therefore, it is important that you make certain that your locker is kept locked while you are using our facilities. Also, for security reasons, we do not keep a record of member’s locker combination codes, so it is vital that you remember the combination you choose.
Where would this notice be posted?
What do members need to open their lockers?
Why do you think this notice was posted?
Saving Time When Computing
Here is the second installment in our monthly “Computing for Business Users” guides.
A common complaint among computer users is the amount of time they spent waiting for their laptop to start up and perform its tasks. Here are some handy tips on how to eliminate some of that waiting time.
Don’t shut your laptop all the way off between meetings; just put it in the low-battery consumption “Standby” mode. Shutting it down and waiting for it to reboot at the next meeting wastes valuable time. This way you are ready to start as soon as you arrive.
- Having too many programs in your computer’s Start Up folder really slows things down. The solution? Eliminate all unnecessary programs.
- Stop too many programs from running at the same time when you start up the computer. Don’t know how? It’s easy if you follow these instructions: click the Start menu, choose Run, then type “msconfig” to launch the System Configuration Utility. Next, on the “General” tab, click “Selective Startup.” Then go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck any startup items that aren’t necessary.
These are small but simple changes that you can make for yourself to save precious time. Next issue we’ll be looking at extending your battery life.
Who is this article intended for?
What does the article explain?
How often are these computer articles published?
What is the topic of the next article?