New vacation Policy.
All vacation days must be taken within a calendar year with written requests submitted and approved by your direct supervisors:
- All new employees are entiled to three weeks’ paid vacation per year.
- Any employees on their probationary period will not be included under policy until his/her 3 months is up.
- All vacation requests must be made in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of you requested dates.
- All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year. Otherwise, you will lose them.
- Only on person per individual department may be away on vacation for a period of a week ormore (to ensure sufficient staffing is available in each department)
- Employees will receive an extra week of vacation time for every 5 years of additional service.
- A maximum of two weeks’ vacation (at one time) may be taken. Certain requests for longer period of vacation maybe considered for exceptional circumstances. Please see your supervisor if this is applicable.
- We strongly encourage all our employees to spead out your vacation days and enjoy themselves.
Vacation Request MemoTo: Sally Benson, Supervisor, Human Resources
From: Mary Black
Date: January 5, 2007
Re: Vacation Request – for January 25 – February 8, 2007
This is a memo to give you advance notice of my request for my upcoming vacation days of January 25 – February 8.
As written in the vacation policy, I am providing ample notice of my requested days. So hopefully, these 2 weeks will be okay to be away from the office. We are planning a family union which had been planned for the last couple of years.
I know that I have just recently joined the company and normally would need to wait until my probationary period is over before taking any vacation days. However, as you may recall, this request for some advance days was discussed and agreed to in our negotiation meetings in late November.
Thank you for your understanding, I will make sure that my work is covered to avoid any disruption in my projects.
Which of the following is NOT stated in the policy?
According to the policy, how many vacation weeks would an employee who has worked at the company for 11 years receive?
Why did Mary write the memo?
What can be inferred about Mary form the memo?
Which of the following information is true?
Preferred Customer Card
Application Procedure
Please complete the attached form at least two weeks prior to your next visit to Trinity Spa. A photocopy of some photo identification must be included as well as full payment for administrative fees in order to assure the full benefits of the Preferred Customer status as outlined in our information package. Please send the completed form by fax (416) 538 2099 to the attention of “The Preferred Customer Card Administrator” or to the following address:
“The Preferred Customer Card Administrator”Trinity Spa, 1 Hazeltree Lane, Toronto, ON
Please allow two weeks for proper processing. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Preferred Customer.
Trinity Spa Preferred Customer Card Application FormPERSONAL INFORMATIONFirst name: Sally
Surname: Hancock
Please check: …. Mr. …X…Miss …. Ms
Date of birth: October 16, 1976
Mailing Address: 345 University street, suite 305 Toronto, ON, Canada M5M-3B9
Preferred services:
1.Facial massage
2.Aroma therapy
3.Acu Chi
Home phone: 755 4900
Business phone: 243 2840
Fax. No. (area code): 416 243 0400
CARD PICK UP METHOD{x}Pick up customer service center
{…}By mail
Sally HancockMonday, September 25 2006
What is asked to be sent with the application form?
How can someone make further inquiries?
What information is NOT requested in the form?
How will Sally Hancock receive the card?
When will Sally Hancock’s application be approved?