Green Grass All Year Round
Having nice green grass all year long is easy with regular use of "Winterize." Remember to "Winterize" your lawn this fall. This special fertilizer keeps the roots of your lawn alive during the winter. By strengthening the roots of your lawn, it leads to better growth in the spring. This product is also ideal for all outdoor plants, shrubs, and trees, keeping them strong and healthy during the coming cold months. Available at all good gardening centers.
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Which of the following is this product NOT suitable for?
Thank you for choosing this high quality office chair. It is made of the finest materials available to ensure many years of use and comfort. We are sure you will enjoy its many features for years to come. Remember that you can adjust the tilt of the chair using the knob underneath, and the height of the chair with the lever on the side. This chair also comes with a three-year warranty, which covers the full cost of replacement parts and labor in the unlikely event that you have any problems with your chair. If you have any questions about assembly or the warranty, please call our toll free number: 1-800-450-0000.
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How can you adjust the height of this product?
How long is this product guaranteed?
To: All customer financial advisors
From: Head office
Re: Credit card use
With Thanksgiving next month, and Christmas also getting closer, we would like you to use the following information to help you advise customers. When customers come to get advice about reducing or avoiding credit card debt, give them a copy of the attached article. Explain to them that they should spend only what they can afford. Help them understand the main reasons for debt. Also, please become familiar with our new interest rates because customers may ask about them.
During the holiday season, many Americans find themselves in great financial trouble. Recent studies show that the average American buys many more gifts than he or she can afford. That may help explain why the average American has a debt of $7,000. Many citizens have even larger debts of between $15,000 and $18,000. The use of credit cards is the main source of debt in holiday spending. Financial advisors recommend that consumers only spend as much as they can afford during the holiday season to avoid financial difficulties in the following months. Interest can significantly increase the final costs. Please ask one of our advisors for a list of current interest rates.
What is the main reason for debt in holiday spending?
How much does the average American owe?
Who is this article for?
What can cause debts to increase?
When was this memo probably sent?